
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Review: Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper

Greetings from the Dark Side!~

Today I have a very magical review! The Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper~!

Look at the lovely and colorful box!

And like all Lime Crime products, the primer is so cute and beautifully decorated!

                                                                     Product Information                                                          

  Eyeshadow Helper (Primer) [cruelty-free/vegan]
 Lime Crime
Translucent, it blends into the skin.
Super smooth primer that is neither too watery nor too dry. It blends right into the skin and provides a very natural finish.
 Ughh...none? This is a translucent primer so the pigmentation does not apply to this product.
I apply a very small amount to my ring finger and pat and blend the product onto my entire eye area. 
Wear (comfort):
I can wear this all day without any problems. The primer looks and feels like it isn't even there.
Wear (time):
Dupes? Similar products?:
Well you could say any primer is a similar product. I will be comparing it to the Urban Decay Primer Potion and the Wet n Wild Take on the Day Primer.


Even before using this new tube form of the Eyeshadow Helper, I used the Eyeshadow Helper when it was in the pot form. I have loved for a long time now, but I have not had the chance to review it. I love this primer for many reasons. Firstly, and most importantly, it keeps my eyeshadows from creasing, and makes them any eyeshadow look fabulous all day long. And really that is the point of a primer, right? But there are also factors that will make you decide which primer you like best. For me, the deciding factor is the formula and texture. This has a very creamy texture; it glides on so easily and blends out like butter. Once it is blended into the skin, it is as if you didn't apply anything at all. You are left with a clean canvas and you are ready to apply your eyeshadows.

Eyeshadow Helper VS. Primer Potion
Honestly, I haven't used the Urban Decay Primer Potion in a while, but I used it for two years so I remember it quite well. It was smooth and applied very well on my eyes. I would say that the Eyeshadow Helper is more creamy in texture and that UDPP is slightly more dry. As far as the results, well they both provided me with an all-day crease-free eyelid. Unfortunately, there was a huge downside to the Urban Decay Primer Potion for me, which is why I have not purchased it in a long time. I bough the $20 tube and within a month, the product inside had dried out and was very difficult to use. That alone really turned me off the UDPP. I have not had any issues like that with the Eyeshadow Helper, even when I used the pot form. The product is always creamy and works amazingly. Eyeshadow Helper is also a bit cheaper at $16.99 for 0.35oz while UDPP is $20 for 0.37 oz.

Eyeshadow Helper VS. Take on the Day Primer
Obviously the winner in terms of price is the Wet n Wild Take on the Day Primer. A 0.34 oz tube is about $6 or so. The Take on the Day Primer is actually pretty good. It works well as a primer and it will give you a decent amount of hours with a crease-free eyelid. But, if you want all-day wear, especially if you are wearing heavy eye makeup, it might not be the best option. It is definitely the cheaper option (although the ELF Eyelid Primer is by far the cheapest at $1 and it works really good too), but if you are wearing heavy eye makeup for more than 4 hours, then you might get some creasing. I prefer the Take on the Day primer for days when I am wearing very little eyeshadow or when I know I will only be out for a few hours.
The matter of how long the primer holds up might be caused by the texture. Texture is the reason why the Eyeshadow Helper wins over both the UDPP and the WnW primer. The Wet n Wild primer has a very watery and weird formula. I have used this primer plenty of times and every time I use it, it is still super watery. Look at the swatches below.

On the left I have the Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper and on the right I have the WnW Take on the Day Primer. You can see right away the difference in texture. I think because the WnW primer is so watery, it doesn't give the all-day coverage.  Even when you blend out the primer, you can see just how watery the WnW is.

This primer is just the best! It has a decent price point. I wish it was a bit cheaper, but at least it is below the $20 price. It is great for you who only use vegan/cruelty-free products (that's always an added plus!). In my experience this primer has not dried up and has maintained it's purposed for months. This keeps my eyeshadows looking amazing all day. Not only does it prevent creasing, it will make your eyeshadows looking more vibrant! And you can even use this on your lower lash line as well to primer any concealers or eyeshadows you use on your undereye area.

                                                                     Product in Action                                                               

I have used this primer many times in my tutorials, and I have specifically used this one in all my recent tutorials/looks. In the looks below, I used this primer as my base. I had zero problems with creasing in any of these looks.

I was wearing these eyeshadows for at least 7 hours before I took this photograph. The black eyeshadow held up really well!


The Eyeshadow Helper eyeshadow is definitely my favorite primer. I like the Urban Decay Primer Potion, but it is more expensive and it dries out after a while (and is therefore a waste of my money). The Wet n Wild Take on the Day Primer has a weird formula and texture, but it actually works and is rather inexpensive. If I was looking for a cheap primer to wear on days that I wore very little makeup I would use the Wet nWild primer or the ELF Eyelid Primer. But when I want to go all out with my eyeshadow and if I want to make sure my eye makeup stays put all day, the Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper is definitely my best friend.

Rating: 10/10

*This product was sent by PR for consideration. All opinions stated are my own.


  1. Just out of curiosity.. Are you aware of all the fuckery surrounding Doe Deere?

    1. Yes, I am aware and I have read most of these posts. I don't like to get involved with this kind of drama though. I have said in the past that I have never had any negative experiences with Lime Crime. I have purchased many products from them with my own hard-earned money and I have nothing but good things to say about them.

      Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect those who do not like Lime Crime. In the same way I hope that those people can also respect my opinions.

    2. I know I have readers who love Lime Crime and others who might dislike them. I love my readers no matter what brands they like or dislike. So be free to have your own preferences :)

  2. No experience with lime crime but I respect them cause they are vegan and also for offering distinct shades and textures. If I could boy lime crime with out the exsesive shipping cost would be formidable

  3. I love this product! It's one of my ultimate favorite eyeshadows bases, obviously because it works so well, but also because I only need a tiny bit, so one pot lasts a long time! <3

  4. I've read good things about this primer. I might give this a go once I've used up all of my current primers.

  5. I've been using it since I got it from IMATS, and I have to agree that it's really good! I have had pretty good luck with most primers I've tried though, the only one that has creased badly on me was Stila's Prime Pot.

  6. I just got my tube in the mail today! So psyched! I was a TFSI girl but it dried out my eyelids and isn't vegan. I veganized my makeup collection so I'm so excited for this primer (weird, I know).

  7. I have oily eyelids and LIME CRIME E/S helper is the only one which did not crease on me ( at least for 6 hours!)... and I really have super oily lids !


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