
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Review: Pumpkin & Poppy Little Black Collection Cream Eyeshadows

Greetings from the Dark Side~!

Pumpkin and Poppy's Little Black Dress collection included two cream eyeshadiws: Beauty Sleep and Divinely Happy. Let's see how these two vegan creme eyeshadows fair when they are put to the test!

Divinely Happy
Beauty Sleep

                                                                        Product Information                                                      


 Cream Eyeshadows in 'Divinely Happy' and 'Beauty Sleep'

Pumpkin & Poppy

 $8 each or $48 for the entire collection (You can see them HERE)

Beauty Sleep : Bright aqua blue with gold shimmer
Divinely Happy: cement gray

 Both shadows are creamy, but are slightly dry (like most P&P cream shadows). The drier formula usually means that they wear really good, which is the case for Divinely Happy but no so much for Beauty Sleep.

 Both colors have great pigmentation. Beauty Sleep is more pigmented but has a rougher texture.

 The cream shadows can be applied with a brush or with the fingertips. I personally prefer to use my fingertips with these because the color applies easier and makes the eyeshadows look better.
Wear (comfort):

 These wear very comfortably on the lid. They do not feel heavy or greasy.
Wear (time):

Depending on how they apply, they will wear either for a long time or for a very short while. Divinely Happy wears longer than Beauty Sleep, though. Beauty Sleep can crease and get patchy if you do not wear it with a primer. 
Dupes? Similar products?:

 I do not have any cream products that are similar in color


I always love the P&P cream eyeshadows, and I was very excited for these new colors. However, I was a little disappointed with them. Divinely Happy has a great formula, but the color is not super exciting. It is a great stable eyeshadow and it will make a great base for neutral eye looks. Beauty Sleep, on the other hand, is a gorgeous color! The aqua is vibrant and the gold shimmers are insanely pretty. And although the color is amazing, the formula could use some improvement. It will crease if it does not have a primer and the color will just fade very quickly. And, if you pack on the color too much, it will get cakey and patchy. The best way I've found to apply it is to wear it over a good primer, apply one layer, let that layer dry, and then apply a second layer of product. You could also apply a sheer layer of a powder eyeshadow to set it. Beauty Sleep might work better for you because the colors are hand-made and maybe I got a bad batch. I can't say for sure.


                                                                      Products In Action                                                            

Here I have used Beauty Sleep all over the lid with Divinely Happy on the outer corner.


I really wanted to love Beauty Sleep because the color is amazing, but the formula is not as good as other Pumpkin & Poppy cream products. I really wish it applied the way it swatched. It will still work great as a base for powder eyeshadows so I can still get some use out of it. I will keep working with it some more to see if I can find a way for it to work better on my lids.
Divinely Happy does have a good formula and works great. If you are looking for a cement gray creme shadows with no shimmer, then that will be a great option for you, especially if you want a vegan makeup product.

Would I Repurchase? Depends. Divinely Happy is great, and I would repurchase it if it became a staple product in my makeup collection (I don't really see that happening,; gray is not my favorite color). I would not repurchase Beauty Sleep as it is now. If the formula were changed (or perhaps if I had a bad bacth) I would try it again because the color is just so stunning! 

Rating: 7/10


  1. Wow, I don't think I can hold myself back from trying this brand for much longer ^.^

  2. These looks so gorgeous! I defineitly want to get this collection the second I have enough saved up! :)

  3. Awh that's a shame about Beauty Sleep, it really is a gorgeous colour :(

  4. I am sorry you didn't like the formula on beauty is important to me. It is meant to be a sheerer color and more of a base for other shadows. I am developing new eyeshadow pencils with a different formula so you may like those better. I do find the best way to get beauty sleep to be more opaque is to place down a matte white eyeshadow as a base. I would be happy to exchange the shadow for something else if you are genuinely unhappy, my customers are important to me.

  5. I'm sorry you don't like Beauty is tougher to make more opaque and matte colored shadows so I hope with time the formulas will be even better. I wear it more as a base for other blues...I do find the best way to get the color to stay on the lid longer, with more opaque color is to apply it on top of matte white eyeshadow or set it with translucent powder. I do have eyeshadow pencils coming out with my next collection with a different formula using kaolin clay, more arrowroot, and vegan stearic acid. If you want to exchange your item for something else, I would be willing to do that because my customers are important. I like to have a balance of neutrals and more exciting colors so there is something for everyone, that is why I made Divinely Happy more neutral. It's also the color Audrey wears in the film.

    1. Oh there is nothing to be sorry about!
      I know you work very hard on the products you make and I always appreciate them no matter what. I am just trying to be fair to my readers by stating my honest opinions. Divinely Happy is great, even though I do not use grey too often but I am definitely liking it. Beauty Sleep is not perfect on its own, but it has worked as a base color for me, so I would still want to keep it. :)

  6. i love how it is matte but it looks shiny at the same time :)

  7. How disappointing. I really love the Breakfast at Tiffany's theme (not just because it's my namesake, lol)

    Audrey Hepburn is love (:


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