
Thursday, March 28, 2013

First Impression: Sephora+Pantone Universe Color of the Year Collection - Emerald

Greetings from the Dark Side!

I bought this Sephora+Pantone Universe set last week because this year's color is emerald. I have brown eyes and I have noticed that greens (particularly emeralds) look amazing with brown eyes. I was really interested in the mascara but it was sold out separately. I decided to buy the set in order to get the mascara and the Lid Stain, the Color Block, and the Glitter Dust. I was not that excited by the eyeshadow Block or the pencil, but I decided to give them a try anyways. Here is my First Impression of this set~

Color Code Prismatic Shadow Block
Color Grid Shadow Block Bionic
Lightspeed Glitter Dust
Color Cube Lid Stain
Graphic Sculpt Waterproof Jumbo Eyeliner
Color Watt Highlighting Mascara


                                                                       First Impression                                                               

It seems that my initial instincts about the products were rather accurate.
The mascara is one of the best items in the set. It is a gorgeous green color that actually shows up on my lashes very well. The application was a bit messy but that always tends to happen to me when I use a mascara for the first time.
My next favorite item was the Lid Stain. The color is AMAZING! It is such a vibrant emerald shade! Besides that, it is pigmented, versatile, and long wearing. You could use the products as an eyeliner, an eyeshadow, or a base.
The Prismatic Shadow Block, similar to the Lid Stain, is also a beautiful color. It is more yellow based and more bright than the Lid Stain which is more blue-based and more saturated. The Prismatic Shadow Block is not as long wearing as the Lid Stain, but won't crease if you use a prime underneath. I find that this works best as an eyeshadow base (especially under the Glitter Dust).
The Glitter Dust is stunning in color, but it can be a bit troublesome. Alone, it is too sheer for my liking. The main problem is that it can be a bit patchy when used a base. I used the Prismatic Shadow Block under the Glitter Dust, but made sure it was dry before I applied the glitter. When you apply it on something wet, it will apply unevenly.
The Jumbo Pencil does not 'wow' me with its color (it is not as bright as the other greens), but it is a waterproof pencil that works as an eyeliner or as an eyeshadow base. I am still kind of "meh" with this product, but it is still pretty good. I am just being stubborn because I want it to be something sparkly, glittery, or super bright!
Finally, the Shadow Block Bionic is a three eyeshadow block with a green, a silver, and a blue. I was not particularly interested in this because the colors seem pretty dupable. I was actually impressed with the green and the silver (they are pigmented and pretty), however the blue really sucks. This is bad because the blue takes up most of the block. They should have made the blue the tiniest and the green the biggest.

Overall, I'd say this set is great. It has its share of problems, but I am totally in love with the Lid Stain, the mascara, and the prismatic shadow block. The Jumbo Pencil is great, although I do not personally love it. The Glitter Dust is gorgeous but is troublesome, while half of the Shadow Block Bionic is made up of a sucky blue eyeshadow. Because more than 50% of the set is great, I think this is a keeper. I'm sure I'll find a use for the items I did not particularly like.


  1. Ooh! I'm absolutely loving the mascara and lid stain.

  2. Wow everything looks so good D:

  3. woah! the green mascara is surprisingly pigmented! bravo to sephora

    1. I was quite surprised too. Colored mascaras usually suck!

  4. 1. i just found your blog from the victorian disco page and i love your blog to death
    2. i like each emerald color and how they're different, but pretty! that mascara is AMAZING
    3. you'd think that the color of the year would take up the most room on the eyeshadow trio!!!

    1. Awwww thank you so much for your sweet comment!

  5. The mascara and lid stain look really great!

  6. Wow! Love the colors and the swatches look nice. I need to check out this collection now

  7. I think I will be needing to grab the mascara and stain for sure. I have been looking for a great emerald liner and this one looks like it will fit the bill. :)

  8. ohhh... I want the lid stain. Those emeralds do look great for brown eyes, ill need to start using more in general!

  9. I want to have the Lightspeed Glitter Dust! Gimme! <3

  10. ooh awesome!
    i saw a brush set at sephora in this collection ! looks so tempting to buy

  11. Do you think it is worth the full price, and the full set if I am only really interested in the lid stain? I am sure I will use everything in the set but I cannot find the lid stain on it's own.


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