
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Project No Buy Update: Week 11

Greetings from the Dark Side!
And welcome to the round up for Week 11 of my No-Buy!
Week 11 (March 18- March 24) has been a tempting week and challenging week. As you will see in my updates!

If you are new to my No-Buy, please check out my past posts:
-Week 4 Round Up 
-Week 5 Round Up
-Week 6 Roundup
-Week 7 Round Up
-Week 8 Round Up 
-Week 9 Round Up 
-Week 10 Round Up

                                                                 Week 11's Purchases                                                              

Money is Makeup Bank before Week 11: $61.83
1.Fyrinnae Haul ($16.75)
2. Hard Candy Nail Polish in 'Gummy Green' ($4)
3. Sephora + Pantone Universe The Color of the Year Collection - Emerald ($68)

And as you can see from adding up the totals, I WENT OVER MY SPENDING LIMIT D:< 
You know what that means? I will multiply the negative amount by 2 as a punishment for going over my spending limit D:

Total Money in Makeup Bank after Purchases = -$26.92 x 2 = -$53.84

                                                             Week 11's Rewards                                                                    
1) Weekly goals:
Goal #1: I will do two series looks this week (Game of Thrones and Diablo 3 maybe?) 
[Failed!] My finals did not end until Thursday of this week so I have had no time to do my series looks. But since this coming week I only have to work a little, I will have plenty of time to re-try this challenge! (+0_
Goal #2: I will focus on finishing my final exams first, and then I will focus on blogging/other things.
[Completed!] I did not blog too much in the beginning of the week and I dedicated my time to studying. (+5)

2) Grades:  
N/A. But next will I will have the grades for all my term papers and my final grades for my classes! *Nervous*

3) Reading: 
Although I was not reading much in the beginning of the week due to my exams, I started reading more by the end of the week.

The Shining by Stephen King, 659 pages (+10)
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, 450 pages (+7)
-The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales (Pantheon Books), pages 1-514 (+10)

4)Language Learning:
After a week of not practicing my Tengwar alphabet, I forgot a lot of them so I studied over the alphabet again this week~ (+5)

None this week.

 TOTAL REWARD MONEY EARNED WEEK 10:-$53.84+5+10+7+5=-$16.84
 I am still in the negative! Next week I will have to redeem myself!

                                                                 Week 12: Weekly Goals                                                         
These two goals are my weekly goals for next week. These two goals must be completed by next Sunday in order for me to earn reward money.
Goal #1:I will do two series looks this week (re-try)
Goal #2: My room is absolutely messy at the moment! I will have to clean my room (spring-cleaning style!) I will get rid of things I do not need and recycle any unwanted clothes.
 I cannot believe I went over my budget D:< I will have to try harder to reduce my spending!


  1. I went way over my spending limit this week too!

  2. You're still doing pretty well Nancy! I think the fyrinnae haul was a total necessity :)


  3. I had that spending ban thing for 100 days and I did pretty well :)
    Yours is a little bit more interesting, I didn't have weekly goals as you do!
    Good luck! :)

  4. Uh oh!!! Over the limit, but at least you have a system going. Very much like playing videogames, hehe. Reminds me of old MMOs where you die and have to regain lost experience points.

    Good luck on your exams, Nancy!!!

  5. I also read the The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales (Pantheon Books)! Nice! <3


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