
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Project No Buy Update: Week 12

Greetings from the Dark Side!
And welcome to the round up for Week 11 of my No-Buy!
Week 12 (March 25- March 31) has been fulfilling. Because I went over my budget last week (and thus had to double what I went over as a punishment!), I tried my hardest not to buy anything. And indeed I did not. It was great because I was able to focus on other products and finally review products that I wanted to review for sometime. Maybe I should be buying even less stuff!

If you are new to my No-Buy, please check out my past posts:
-Week 4 Round Up 
-Week 5 Round Up
-Week 6 Roundup
-Week 7 Round Up
-Week 8 Round Up 
-Week 9 Round Up 
-Week 10 Round Up 
-Week 11 Round Up

                                                                 Week 12's Purchases                                                              

Money is Makeup Bank before Week 12: -$16.84
Total Money in Makeup Bank after Purchases = -$16.84

                                                             Week 12's Rewards                                                                    
1) Weekly goals:

Goal #1:I will do two series looks this week (re-try).
[Completed!] I did the House Arryn and the Witch Doctor looks. (+5)

Goal #2: My room is absolutely messy at the moment! I will have to clean my room (spring-cleaning style!) I will get rid of things I do not need and recycle any unwanted clothes.
[Completed!] I cleaned A Lot of junk from my room. I donated clothes than either I did not want or that I just never wore. I recycled a mountain of old paperwork and arranged some of my books! (+5)

2) Grades:  
I received a lot of final grades! Grades are an important part of this because I wanted makeup to be a motivation for me to do better in my classes. I could have done a lot better though! I will do even better next quarter! I am starting my new quarter tomorrow~
JPN109 Term Paper: 90.5% A- (+15)
JPN109 Final Exam: 81.5% B- (+5)
JPN109 Final Grade: 83% B-  (+5)
ENL183 Term Paper: B (+10)
ENL183 Final Exam: ? I have no idea! (?)
ENL Final Grade: B+ (+10)
SPA150N Term Paper: B+ (+10)
SPA150N Final Exam: C (+1)
SPA150N Final Grade: B (+5)

3) Reading: 
I was on spring break and I did start to read some stuff, but I did not finish anything this week. (+0)

4)Language Learning:
Again, I spent most of my time cleaning or playing video games so I did not do this! (+0)

I did have some empties this week, 4 to be exact. I had 3 mascaras and one eyelash glue. I will do a separate post on the empties!

                                                                 Week 13: Weekly Goals                                                         
These two goals are my weekly goals for next week. These two goals must be completed by next Sunday in order for me to earn reward money.
Goal #1:I will finish the Diablo 3 Series with the Barbarian look. 
Goal #2: I will focus on product reviews and swatches this week.


  1. Congrats on no spending and on those grades! They're good (even if you think you could have done better). Good luck for next term :)

  2. ...I think I need to start a "No buy" but alas my willpower is not as strong as yours! Great job though!

  3. Wow! Congrats on your grades! <3

  4. Awesome job on the grades! You're completely deserving of all the pretties you have been rewarding yourself with.

  5. Congrats on your grades ^_^ Also good work on the no-buy this week.

    Every time I read your progress I feel inspired ^_^


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