
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Project No Buy Update: Week 8

Greetings from the Dark Side!
And welcome to the round up for Week 8 of my No-Buy!
Week 8 (February 25 - March 3)  has been a seriously busy week! I have been way too busy with other things to worry about my No-Buy. I think this helped to keep me from spending over my weekly budget!
If you are new to my No-Buy, please check out my past posts:
-Week 4 Round Up 
-Week 5 Round Up
-Week 6 Roundup
-Week 7 Round Up

                                                              Week 8's Purchases                                                                   
For my weekly haul, go HERE
Money is Makeup Bank before Week 8: $78.81
1.Lime Crime Lipstick in 'Geradium' ($16)
2.Maybelline Blushes ($21)
3. Maybelline EyeStudio Quad ($9.49)
 Total Money in Makeup Bank after Purchases = $32.32

                                                               Week 8's Rewards                                                                    
1) Weekly goals: 

Goal #1: I will make a post about my hair care and hair style (I've received a lot of requests for this post).
[Completed!] You can check out that post HERE. (+5)

Goal #2: I will eat healthier this week. I've been eating horribly these past two weeks, so I really need to eat healthier. 
[Failed!] I was doing pretty well during the week. I ate a lot of fresh veggies and fruits. But during the weekend, I ate so horribly!  (+0)
2) Grades:  

3) Reading: 
-The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling, 503 pages (+10)
-The Adventures of Tom Bombadil by J.R.R. Tolkien, 64 pages (+5)

4)Language Learning:
Like last week, I am still learning Tengwar. I would write the letters I've learned, but I don't have a Tengwar keyboard :( However, learning Tengwar is so interesting and different! I love it!
None. I had all my empties last week (of which I still have not done an empties post! I will, I promise!)

 6) Self-Control: Kept withing budget~!
 TOTAL REWARD MONEY EARNED WEEK 6: $32.32+5+10+5+5=$57.32

                                                                   Week 9: Weekly Goals                                                         
These two goals are my weekly goals for next week. These two goals must be completed by next Sunday in order for me to earn reward money.
Goal #1: I will make a Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire inspired look (House Tyrell maybe?).
Goal #2: I will have 5 product reviews/looks.


  1. well done :) How did you like The Casual Vacancy?
    I'm starting this project today!

    1. As a huge HP fan I had to read this book by Rowling. It is VERY different from what I expected. But I really liked it because it was something I did not expect. It is not an easy read, but definitely worth reading.
      And hooray! Good luck <3

  2. Keep it up, Nancy !! You're very inspiring ^_^

  3. It's so cool you're learning Tengwar. I tried to learn Sindarin and Quenya ages ago but gave up when exams started and I had French and Spanish to be learning, it'd be awesome to know the script as well.


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