
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blog Love: Oh To Feel Pretty & Simple Beauty

Greetings from the Dark Side and welcome to another Blog Love post ♥
Today, I want to share with you two awesome beauty blogs, and two beautiful and sweet bloggers.

The first blog I want to give a huge shout out to is Oh To Feel Pretty. I have not been following Katie (the writer for this blog) for a long time but I already feel like I know her. Maybe it is because we have very similar characteristics, but I can really relate to her blog posts! It is really interesting to read another blog and just be amazed at how much you can have in common with another person. Katie has really great geeky makeup looks that I absolute love (if you are a My Little Pony fan you must check out her MLP makeup looks!)! Definitely check out her blog and show her some love!

The other blog I wanted to share with all of you is one that I have been following for some time now, Simple Beauty. Like with Katie from Oh To Feel Pretty, I also feel connected with the writer of Simple Beauty, Taylor. We like similar brands of makeup (particularly indie brands) and she also likes a lot of the same geeky things that I like. She has a lot of reviews for indie nail polishes, which I really appreciate because I have been trying to get more into indie nail polishes. She recently started a Game of Thrones makeup series, so if you are a GoT fan definitely check those posts out!


  1. I love posts like these because it introduces new blogs to me that I might not find, and also it shows what talent other people love :) xx

    1. I agree! It is so nice to share different blogs and bloggers that otherwise we might have never encountered on our own :)

  2. Following them too now :) under my group rockabilly on bloglovin

  3. This is so nice of you to give a shout out to them :D Their blogs are great!

  4. Wooo, following them now via Bloglovin - I definitely need all the makeup tips, tricks, and advice I can get. I'm at the point where I've hoarded up a lot of nice goodies but don't quite know what I'm doing with them. You guys all really help!

    1. :) That's good to hear! I have learned so much from other bloggers/vloggers. It is really great to pick up new tricks from others~!

  5. I agree! Adding to bloglovin now, thanks for the post!

  6. I agree! Adding to bloglovin now, thanks for the post!

  7. I agree I love these posts especially since a lot of the blogs I used to follow eventually stopped for understandable reasons so its great to find others to follow. Thanks for the post, will be following them on bloglovin.

  8. Adding to Bloglovin, please do more Final Fantasy inspired makeup <3

    1. Thanks~

      Oh I should! I will add it to my list~

  9. ahhhhh thank you for this! Super kind of you. I LOVE you blog, too, missy! Very inspirational. And one of the few that I regularly follow :)

  10. Great article! I’ve been having trouble finding really good beauty blogs, as many lists feature blogs that haven’t updated in months. For me, a great beauty blog is made up of awesome product reviews, beauty routines, and new beauty trends.


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