
Thursday, April 11, 2013

First Impression: Maybelline Summer 2013 Color Tattoo Eyeshadows


I am super excited to share swatches for the new Maybelline Color Tattoo eyeshadow from the Summer 2013 collection. I am a huge fan of these eyeshadows and I own every single Color Tattoo released in the US. As you might expect, I was psyched to hear that there was new colors. However, these seem to be releasing at Bed, Bath, and Beyond stores first. I had to travel an hour away to the closest BB&B that carries cosmetics in order to find these! There are six new shades (limited edition shades I presume), all of which are frosty and beach-themed.

                                                                      First Impression                                                                
I have not used these on my eye lids yet, but from swatching them, I have a good idea of how they compare to other Color Tattoos. Firstly, these are all quite frosty and cool-toned. It is very different from what I was expecting summer inspired colors to look like. But they are inspired by the cool tones of the ocean and beach, so the colors kind of make sense. Secondly, these are all generally less pigmented that some of the other Color Tattoos. Icy Mint and Shady Shores in particular were sheer. The last major difference is that some of these are duochromatic colors (Seashore Frosts, Cool Crush,  Waves of White, and Shady Shores). It is an interesting difference!

Overall, I am like the new colors, but I don't love all of them. I am particularly loving Seashore Frosts (blue-gold-pink combo) and Cool Crush (light lavender-green-turquoise) because they are the most pigmented and the most unique to my collection. Icy Mint was the hugest let down. I was really looking froward to owning a minty green Color Tattoo; however, this one is definitely more of a light sage green and it is really sheer and patchy. Shady Shores is a cool and unique color (yellow-gold with a green duochrome) but it also looks really weird on my skin tone. Waves of White is a nice white with a blue duochrome (yet the blue duochrome changes to green and purple is some lighting). I can see this working really well as a base color for many different eyeshadows! Lastly, there is Lavish Lavender. This one is a nicely pigmented deep lavender. I am not sure how much I like the actual color, but I will have to try it on my eye lids to see how it looks on.

If you want to try these out, go to your nearest BB&B (one that has a cosmetics section) and pick these up! Each display only has two of each color D:< I basically bought half of the display myself.


  1. Icy Mint is so beautiful color! I think I will get it as soon as they receive the collection here!

  2. I wish we got the US shades in the UK. These looks so pretty :). I guess the positive of that we don't get these, is that we get some of our own shades. Xx

    1. That is true. There are some shades from the UK I wish I could get!

    2. If you everyone want to trade them I'd do that :) x

    3. You know you could check eBay for these, I see them all the time, the LE lines find their way on eBay pretty quickly :)

  3. Oh it is alright! I had really high expectations because I love these so much. But who knows, maybe I will like these more once I actually use them with other eyeshadows!

  4. Idk if i could pull off any of these shades but I love seashore frosts!

  5. I am loving Seashore Frosts! Great swatches. I really like the duo chrome shadows. xx

  6. Out of all the swatches I've seen of these new colors, yours are the best! I cannot wait to get my hands on these! Seashore Frost is calling out to me but I like them all.

  7. Lavish Lavender & Seashore Frosts are going to be mine once I can find them in store around me. The BB&B's around me don't have em but I'll have to hunt around in the city. They should be around SOMEWHERE lol

    1. Haha I am sure they will pop up in the weeks to come. :) Hopefully you can find them!

  8. Seashore Frosts and Lavish Lavender look sooo pretty! I'm glad the Color Tattoos are moving more into duochrome now.

    1. Me too! I am always excited to see new Color Tattoo shades!

  9. I'm really like Seashore Frosts and Lavish Lavender. I'm glad the Color Tattoos are moving into duochromes!

  10. Aw man! You drove all that way and they didn't live up to the expectations:(

    1. It's alright :)
      I am sure once I use them more I will like them more~

  11. *sigh* went to the BBB south of me and they only had Icy Mint and Sandy Shore...I did get Icy Mint, but I am a little bummed now that you said it isn't quit as mint green. I really hope I can find the Lavendar and Seashore one somewhere.

    1. Well, who knows! Maybe it will look more minty once it is applied on the eye lid. :)

  12. Lavender and Seashore Frosts look really pretty! :D We've finally gotten some of these Color Tattoos here in Malaysia, but they're pretty limited, and run out of stock really fast. >_<

    1. Oh really? I hope they will become more available to you!

  13. These look so pretty! Love the Color Tattoos. :)

  14. Ahh I really do wish we had all of the same shades in the UK, and the US had our shades, then no one would feel left out! :( xx

  15. yeah, for me it doesn't look much like summer colors either. a bit too frosty for me, but could look nice in some combinations with different eyeshadow

    1. Yeah I agree. They shades are growing on me now that I am using them with other eyeshadows!

  16. Wow gorgeous shades!

    Emma x

  17. praying waves of white and seashore frosts make it over to the UK. Then again I still have my fingers crossed for that pretty neutral beige shade! It's a shame they didn't all live up to expectations, but those are some pretty duochromes

    1. They are pretty! They are a lot prettier when I actually use them! I hope that you will get them in the UK!

  18. I love the look of the Lavender one, personally...I do feel sad that color tattoos in general aren't better than they are. I feel like I must be the only person that they crease to death on? It annoys me that they have to be set with a powder shadow to have ANY staying powder. Maybe I should just stay away from cream shadows in general. lol :D

    1. They actually don't crease on my eyes for the most part. There is a shade or two that will crease, but it isn't too bad. Have you used a primer underneath? That will help.

  19. The cool waves and white colors almost the same in the photo, love the gold one so pretty.

  20. all of it are so pretty!
    I wish I can get them too :(

  21. Just to give you a heads up, there are two more LE color tattoos. The colors are precious pearl and blue paradise. They have been seen in another maybelline display with a few other items, like new color whispers.

    1. Thanks for the heads up! I did see that on Nouveau Cheap. I will need to go hunting...xD

  22. to frosty for me, but the yellow shade is pretty

  23. More beautiful things that we won't get in Australia. :(

    They're all beautiful but Lavish Lavender is just insane. <33333

  24. Really nice, i love lavender and mint, i hope arrives soon in Spain !

  25. Hmm I guess they are never gonna apear in our country :(

  26. Seashore frosts looks so amazing!!

  27. Found almost all but Seashore of course. Luckily they were buy one get one half off, AND I found the two mysterious ones Precious Pearls and Blue Paradise.

    1. I've been looking for those but I can't find them :(

  28. I’m not sure I like them yet as they are a shy too cool for me. I wish they were more warm Summer shades.Bad to the Bronze is the best.


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