
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Music Tag

Greetings from the Dark Side~ 

Katie from Oh To Feel Pretty posted the Music Tag a few days ago and tagged me. I absolutely love music and it is such a huge part of my life so I am really excited to do this ♥

What’s your favorite type of music?
Rock, without a doubt. My taste in rock music varies widely though and I think I like most subgenres in rock. I particularly love heavy metal, screamo, post-hardcore, and visual kei. On the other hand, I also really love classical music.

What’s your least favorite type of music?
It is hard to say, I tend to stay away from the music that I don't like. But if I had to pick, I would say rap and hip hop. Some songs are catchy, but they are just not my style.

What’s the best gig you’ve been to?
Since 2008, I have been to many, many, many concerts. I can't even tell you how many, I have lost count. Oddly, the best concert I have experienced was the very first concert I ever went to in October of 2008. I saw Chiodos and Silverstein in San Francisco and it was mind-blowing. I can't describe why it was so amazing, it just was. To this day my friends and I agree that it was the best, most memorable concert we have been to. 

Besides that concert, the System of a Down gig I went to  was one of the best experiences of my life!

What albums are you listening to at the moment?
Pierce The Veil's Selfish Machines and Metallica's Black Album I think are my most listened albums this past month.

What's your favourite bands/artists & favourite albums?
I have a lot! Metallica, System of a Down, The Used, Chiodos, Pierce The Veil, and Nightmare (Japanese band) would be my top picks. Metallica and System of a Down have been my favorite bands for a long time and I have been listening to for them for a long time. The Used is my favorite screamo band and I was totally obsessed with them when I was in middle school and high school. Nightmare is a Japanese visual band that I have loved for a long time now too. Nightmare is different and awesome and I love them. Pierce The Veil and Chiodos are my favorite post-hardcore bands! They are both amazing bands with amazing vocals, lyrics, and sound. My favorite albums are Bone Palace Ballet (Chidos), Selfish Machines (Pierce The Veil), Metallica (Metallica), In Love and Death (The Used), and Anima (Nightmare). For classical music, I really like Chopin, Bach, and Beethoven.

If you could instantly know how to play any instrument, what would it be?
The cello or violin, most likely the cello. Bach's cello suites are one of my favorite pieces of classical music. They are beautiful! I also love the addition of the cello and violin pieces to rock music, which is one of the reasons why I love Chiodos so much.

I tag all of you! Or who ever wants to do this :) It is fun and really makes you think about what your favorite music is. I listen to so many different bands, but I have a small number of bands that I listen to on a daily basis ♥ In fact, I listen to them every night before I go to sleep. It is my ritual and something I have been doing for the past 8 years. First I used a Walkman, then an iPod shuffle, an iPod nano, an iTouch, and now my iPhone. How time  has passed and technology changed!


  1. Yay I love your answers! :) And you have the coolest iphone case :D

  2. the music the a big part of my life too....every moment has it's music, i don't stick to one genre, but it definitely would be silent and boring to live without music....

  3. I love reggae, bossa nova, and acoustic type of music.
    I used to sing in front of a crowd and played the guitar when I was younger. But I haven't done that ever since I got married in 2007. ^_^
    Random Beauty by Hollie

  4. I would love to play drums and bass, I love rock and also great songs with a great bass and drum on it

  5. I definitely listen to a hodge-podge of stuff, some arabic music, some indie stuff, some country, some rock.. just not techno... no techno for me!

  6. I'm going on SOAD in August :)) I hope it will be one of my best experiences too!

  7. i have to say i LOVE your iphone case... and your tattoo :)

  8. this is such a neat tag! I love music, too, so i'll def have to do this. LOVE your phone cover. Also, so jealous that you saw silverstein and system of a down! I bet they were rowdy

  9. Super cute case! There are soo many neat iphone cases. I have a samsung s3 unfortunately, not so many, hah. And The Used are still around?? I used(hah) to LOVE them!!

    1. Yes! I saw them last summer and the beginning of this year ^_^

  10. I love a lot the same groups :)

    I totally agree on the 'rock music with classical influences' makes it a real treat ^-^ - symphonic metal seems to be one of the easiest genre to find this sort of classical-rock/metal fusion. (I also like classical pop - Jade Valerie Villalon in particular - love her!)

    If you haven't already, I think you'd like Apocalyptica. It's like classic metal with no vocals - although at times they do feature some their songs with vocals by different artists of that metal/punk-rock type genre.

    Another you could be interested in is The Vitamin String Quartet - they do cover songs of a variety of genres with mostly (only?) string instruments :).

  11. I bet no one can give an exact answer for “What’s your least favourite type of music”.


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