
Monday, April 8, 2013

Project No Buy Update: Week 13

Greetings from the Dark Side!
And welcome to the round up for Week 13 of my No-Buy!
Week 13 (April 1-April 7) has been a challenging week! I was very tempted to buy a lot of things. I did buy a few things so hopefully I did not exceed my budget! Keep reading for more.

If you are new to my No-Buy, please check out my past posts:
-Week 4 Round Up 
-Week 5 Round Up
-Week 6 Roundup
-Week 7 Round Up
-Week 8 Round Up 
-Week 9 Round Up 
-Week 10 Round Up 
-Week 11 Round Up
-Week 12 Round Up

                                                                Week 13's Purchases                                                              

Money is Makeup Bank before Week 13: $58.16
3. Wet n Wild Eyeshadow Medley Palettes ($10)
Total Money in Makeup Bank after Purchases =$11.16
                                                             Week 13's Rewards                                                                    
1) Weekly goals: 
Goal #1:I will finish the Diablo 3 Series with the Barbarian look.  
[Failed!] I was planning on doing this on Saturday, but then I got really sick :(  (+0)

Goal #2: I will focus on product reviews and swatches this week.
[Completed] I think overall I did a good job on posting about new products, swatches, and reviews/first impressions. (+5)
2) Grades:  
I started a new term so I have not received any new grades. But I will soon!

3) Reading: 
The Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami, 400 pages (+7)
*If you have never read anything by Haruki Murakami (村上 春樹),
I highly suggest you do! His writing style might not be for everyone, but his novels and short stories are s o entertaining, odd, and rather cynical!

4)Language Learning:
  I spent most of my time busy with school work so I did not have time for this~ (+0)

I had more empties this week! 4 to e exact. I will include these empties with last week's empties in a separate post soon! (+4)
                                                                 Week 14: Weekly Goals                                                         
These two goals are my weekly goals for next week. These two goals must be completed by next Sunday in order for me to earn reward money.
Goal #1: I will finish the Diablo 3 Series with the Barbarian look (re-try).
Goal #2: I will go to class everyday, be on time, and have all my readings/work done the night before it is due.



  1. Great jop on your project no buy! I believe your no buy posts are my favorite to read. I've had the hardest time finding the new Wet and Wild 8 pan palettes. I missed the last limited editions ones, so I'm hoping not to fail again!

  2. Goodluck! I hope you do good with your goals this week :) Your second goal sounds like a great idea....something I need to do too!!!

  3. omg cool, u still made it until week 13 O.o
    i wish i can too, but i cant resist >.<

  4. Been also trying to follow your project no-buy, I just can't help it. my makeup bank always ends up empty LOL ^_^
    Random Beauty by Hollie

  5. You are doing so good on your no-buy. I'm seven weeks in now and have made 2 purchases so far, the first 5 weeks I bought nothing, which made me feel pretty good. :-) I know Sephora's Chic week coming up will use all my earned cash though, LOL.

  6. Yeah, I'm supposed to be on a $125 per month budget but I'm already spending July's money -_-

  7. oh goshhh good luck on #2 right there. Every week you post this, I remind myself I need to limit my buying AND THEN I FORGET until the next post. Sigh.


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