
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Haul: + First Impression: Makeup Geek Cosmetics

Greetings from the Dark Side!

Sorry for the mini hiatus. If you follow me on Facebook you might know that my dog Chewie was sadly run over by a car. Thankfully (and surprisingly because he was run over with both the front and back tires of the car), he did not receive too much damage aside from some bruises and a small fracture on his pelvic bone. I have been spending all my spare time making sure he is recovering and that he is not alone. He is still in a lot of pain, so he tends to cry/whimper a lot. It is really quite depressing. He is doing a little better though, and I finally feel at ease to take the time to blog. So onto less depressing news...

You might have also noticed that I have not posted many hauls. That is because I have not been buying much makeup recently; it is so great to be cutting down my spending! I did, however, order my first purchase from Makeup Geek Cosmetics. I have heard so much about Makeup Geek so I definitely had to try them out for myself  :) I only bought four things: three pan eyeshadows and one loose pigment.

1. Pan Eyeshadows in 'Fuji', 'Mermaid', and 'Razzleberry' ($5.99 each)
I was really curious to see how pigmented these were so I picked three bright colors. These are  stunning colors. 'Fuji' is not as pigmented as I hoped it would be, but I think it will make a pretty crease color for bright looks~! 'Mermaid' is a really surprising color to me, because it is insanely pigmented and beautiful! I can't stop starring at it! 'Razzleberry' is a unique red because it is really bright, slightly pink-toned, and has gold sparkles!

2. Loose Pigmented in 'Utopia' ($6.99)
This loose pigment looked really unique so I really wanted to try it. It is a very chunky loose pigmented, but it is so metallic and awesome. If you apply it right, it looks AMAZING on the eyes. It is like a mix between a glitter and a loose eyeshadow. It is insanely awesome. If you hate shiny eyeshadows or eyeshadows that have some fallout, stay away from this! I will say that it takes a few tries to find the best technique to apply this. I personally think that applying it on with my fingers is the best way to smooth out the chunky texture. If you pat it on, it will be a bit bumpy. Don't get discouraged to try this out because it really is a beautiful eyeshadow.

It is so shiny that is made my camera freak out! xD

I had a really great first experience with Makeup Geek! I have yet to use the eyeshadows extensively, but I already loving what I purchased. I definitely would like to buy more of the pan eyeshadows. They are way cheaper than MAC eyeshadows and they are very comparable to them! I will have to use these more and create some looks with them :D


  1. I really like my MUG pan shadows, I have Mermaid and Razzleberry also. There's a bunch more I want to get, plus try a couple of the gel liners. Sorry about your dog! :-(

  2. Oh lovely picks! Can't wait to read an in depth review! xx

  3. MUG shadows were some of the first ones I tried when I started really getting into makeup, and I haven't looked back! I love them so much!

  4. Wow those eyeshadows are so bright! I'm really impressed in how they preform! I really want to try the mug lipsticks

  5. Aww.. Yeah, I saw ur update about Chewie. I hope Chewie gets better soon! :) *gives virtual doggie snack*
    Mermaid and Razzleberry are stunning! :D

  6. Oh your poor dog, I hope he heals as fast as can be.
    Gorgeous colours on the MUG shadows, I really like Utopia and Fuji

  7. I'm sorry for your dog! :( amazing colors!

  8. i love me some MUG! Razzleberry is one of the 3 shadows I have from them and it's awesome!

    Also, hate to hear that about your pup :( but i''m glad he's on the mend!

  9. wow those colors are all gorgeous!

  10. Beautiful swatches but I just wanted to comment to say I am so glad to hear that Chewie is alive and healing. Take all the time you need to be with your dog while he recovers.

  11. Speedy recovery for Chewie!

    I love MUG products. I have a ton of eyeshadows. I really need to give in try some of the gel liners and the pigments.

  12. the color is so pretty :) I've never heard of this brand, but it looks like I'll love it...

  13. Everyone loved Utopia, it's gorgeous!

    Barbarella maquill-Arte

  14. These are beautiful :) I must see if they're available in the UK xx


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