
Friday, June 7, 2013

Indie Nail Polish Haul: HARE, Lac Attack, Glitter Daze, Pahlish, and More

Greetings from the Dark Side!~

For the past month, I have been buying quite a few different indie nails polishes. I have been a little obsessed to be honest! Indie polishes are just so awesome!!!

1. Lac Attack Magical Musings Collection
Harry Potter inspired nail polishes! Enough said xD
I have been wanting since they came out, and I finally had the chance to wishlist it and get the entire collection~! Aren't they gorgeous?!

2. HARE Polish The Last Queen of France Collection (not the entire collection)
HARE is one of my favorite polishes, so I definitely have to get at least a couple polishes from each collection. I bought a few glitters and two opaque polishes.

3. Glitter Daze, Indie Polish, and Digital Nails
Glitter Daze 'My White Lighter'- I have wanted this sooo bad after seeing it a few times on Let Them Have Polish. It is gorgeous color and it glows in the dark! Plus it is inspired by the TV show Charmed, which I watched when I was younger, how nostalgic!

Indie Polish 'Finding Nemo' - I found this on Etsy and it looked so cute~ I could not resist it!

Digital Nails 'Bad Wolf'- This is not only a really pretty nail polish but it is inspired by Doctor Who!
                      'Hipster in a Blender'- This is such a cool neon glitter nail polish :D And it glows
                                                          under black lights.

4. Pahlish, Lush Lacquer
Pahlish 'Ace of Fours' and 'Anticipating and Pacing'- These two polishes are not only really pretty, but they are very pigmented and complex.

Lush Lacquer 'Neon Lights'- After seeing Lush Lacquer polishes for a while now, I decided to get my own! It has really awesome neon particles! I love it!

Swatches coming soon :D


  1. This haul is amazing!! I just got my first indie polish recently in a swap. That Lush Lacquer neon looks awesome omg.

  2. I can't wait to see swatches, a lot of these look really cool! Weasley's Wizard Wheezes looks AWESOME! I'm going to have to look into some of these indie companies. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I will definitely be doing swatches for all of these~ Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is definitely the one I want to try the most!!!

  3. Yei I'm dying to try indie nail polish, these ones look great!


  4. ohhhhhh my god.... i should not have read this! haha i've told myself after my most recent online beauty buy, i would stop for a while, but then i saw these harry potter polishes... AH!

    1. Haha, I know how your feel. I was the same when I found out about them. I just had to have them!

  5. I'm SO jealous of the Lac Attacks. I have been searching high and low for those since they came out :(

    1. Wishlist for them. If you follow the Lac Attack on FB, she announces when she has the collection for wishlist. You can sign up on the wishlist and you can get the entire collection.

  6. I honestly would buy all of them with no regrets!

  7. lack attack has some vampys ahhhhh

  8. You seem to have a bit of nail polish obsession. A girl after my own heart!

    1. Indeed I do! My nail polish collection is still growing!

  9. I will have swatches soon ;D

  10. this is my google account but it's tanya from Indie polish (your finding nemo maker) thanks so much for featuring us in your haul....proud to be listed with such greats!!!!!

  11. i like the HARE Polish..the fun in clearbased glitters for me is the versatility - every other combo highlights something else in the polish.


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