
Monday, June 24, 2013

Review: YSL Faux Cils Mascara

Greetings from the Dark Side!

Today, I am going to review a highly raved mascara that I've been using for the past two months. This is the YSL Faux Cils mascara, a pretty tube with a hefty price tag of $30. This was given to me as a present for Christmas and I was delighted to finally have the chance to try this out. I personally have always prefered drugstore mascaras because they are cheaper, but it was nice to try out a high end one for a change, especially one that has such amazing reviews. Will the YSL Faux Cils blow me away? Or will drugstore mascaras win me over once more? Keep reading for a full review~

                                                                        Product in Action!                                                           
Here is the YSL mascara on my lashes. I'll let the photos speak for themselves. 

My bare lashes:

 With YSL Faux Cils:

                                                                   Review & Verdict                                                                 
The good: The tube is so pretty and it looks great on top of your vanity or in your purse. The brush is decent too, and I have not had any problems using the brush on my lashes. I really love how dark this mascara is, it definitely makes my lashes stand out because the color is so dark. The mascara also adds a lot of volume to my lashes,which again, makes my lashes stand out.

The bad: This mascara is quite pricey. I definitely would not look forward to spending $30 each time I needed a new tube of mascara. The formula of the mascara is also a bit problematic. It adds volume to my lashes, but it also can make my lashes look "spidery" and clumpy, a look that I personally do not like. For $30 a tube, I would prefer that the mascara did not make me look like a cheap hooker.  Lastly, this mascara is very hard to remove. I feel like I never really get all the mascara out of my lashes, and it can take a lot of makeup remover to finally get rid of every last bit of mascara.
Final verdict: Although I don't think this is a terrible mascara, I do not think it is worth the money. I believe that most of the $30 are paying for the luxurious packaging rather than the actual mascara. I have used better mascaras for less than 1/3 of the price of this one. Because of that, I would not repurchase this. I can't say I would not recommend this, but my own experience with this has left me with a rather negative impression of the Faux Cils mascara. If you are interested in trying this, just be aware that it might not work as well for you as it has for other people.

Rating: 7/10


  1. The result looks not bad, but more or less the same as most other drugstore brands. I also think that the price we pay for these high-end brands are more for the 'brand' or packaging rather than the product itself. It's nice to have a luxury item once in a while though. XD


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