
Friday, July 12, 2013

GlitterDaze 'My White Lighter'

Greetings from the Dark Side ♥ 

Is anyone else a fan of the show Charmed? I used to watch the show growing up, and I recently watched it again. GlitterDaze has a collection inspired by the show, and one color in particular caught my eye: My White Lighter. I also saw this color on Let Them Have Polish and I completely fell in love with it! Not only is it a gorgeous shade, but it also glows in the dark!

My White Lighter is has a sheer icy white base with insane amounts of icy blue glitter. The result is a beautiful minty white with glowing blue speckles. You can use this on its own, but I like how it looks over a plain white nail polish. In the photo above I used one coat of Lime Crime 'Milky Ways' with two coats of 'My White Lighter' on top.  I love how it looks! Below you can see how one coat of 'My White Lighter looks on its own:

I really love this! It is really unique and beautiful. If you want to see how it looks in the dark, check out Cristina's post~


  1. This is so pretty! And I used to love that show when I was in middle school/high school. I still catch an episode every now and again :)
    Great post!

    1. ^_^ Glad to see that there are others who still watch it!

  2. Glow in the dark?!oh wow
    I really liked Charmed back in the day, I want to go back and watch it now

    1. Yup, one of the best things about this polish!!

  3. Omg, this is so beautiful! Such a unique color :D

  4. Está muy lindo, muy tierno :3

    Barbarella maquill-Arte

  5. So pretty!!! I might need to try GlitterDaze soon.


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