
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Mercenary Katarina (LoL) Cosplay Part 2: Breastplate Armor

Greetings from the Dark Side!

The first part I began to make for my Mercenary Katarina costume is her breastplate. I should begin by saying that I've never seen anyone actually make an armor piece for this costume. All the cosplays I've seen use a black corset or something made out of fabric. I'm pretty sure it is a breastplate though! But whatever, I decided it is indeed a breastplate xD 

Keep reading for more~

1. I used Kamui's tutorial on how she makes patterns and breastplate armors. She is an amazing cosplayer and her videos are really helpful!!

Basically she uses Worbla, craft foam, and a heating tool. I have never used Worbla before this, but she made it look so easy! Well, I had no idea what I was getting myself into! This is NOT as easy as it looks. It definitely takes practice. But I went into anyways. Armed with a sheet of Worbla, some craft foam and a heating tool, I started to make my breastplate. 

2. If you watch the first video, you can see what I did here. I wrapped myself with plastic wrap and tape and then drew on the pattern on the tape. Then I removed it and cut up my pattern. I transferred the pattern to the craft foam and them sandwiched it between two pieces of Worbla. I thus created the bottom portion of my breastplate! And yay for Food 4 Less bag!

3. Then I made the, as Kamui likes to call them, boobie bags! xD
In the video, Kamui uses a PVC globe to shape the breast circles, but I could not find anything like it. So I used the closest thing that I had that was round: a sturdy food strainer. Yup, I used a kitchen item! Haha. But it worked alright. It definitely was not the best thing to use, so for future armors I will need to get a sphere that has a smooth surface. I heated up a double layer of Worbla and stretched it over the round strainer to get the desired shape. It was really annoying and difficult D:< Breastplates are definitely hard to make (well mostly just the boobie bags!)

4. After I was done with the breast circle things I put everything together. Worbla is awesome because you can just connect pieces by heating them up! I also added some details, although to be honest I messed up a lot. I learned a lot about using Worbla from making this. There are a lot of things I would do differently next time!

5. Worbla has a rough texture, so it is best to prime it very well and sand it. I used 3 coats of Gesso to prime my armor.

6. After the primer is dried and you have sanded (actually I was too excited and forgot to sand >_<), you can get to painting! I first used a flat black spray paint to create a base color. I then used Martha Stewart Acrylic paints in a metallic silver and satin black to give it a bit of detail. I mentioned in my Intro that I have absolutely no experience in painting. ZERO! This was my first time using any kind of paints outside of my kindergarten class xD If any of you have any painting advice for me, please let me know ^_^ I would be eternally grateful!

6. I'm still not done painting; I am not content with how it looks yet. But, I decided to go ahead and figure out how I'm going to secure this breastplate. I decided to use D rings secured with pieces of Worbla to make a corset-type closure. I will be adding some transparent bra straps to the top of the armor to support my chest up as well.

So I'm still not done! I need to finish painting the armor (the inside as well) and once I'm done I will use a gloss seal to protect it. I also still need to attach the bra straps for better support. My first experience with Worbla has overall been really great. It has been a learning process that only comes with physically working with the material. It does not matter how many tutorials you watch, you will absolutely learn the most from hands-on experience. I'm having so much fun though and I can't wait to show you all more!!


  1. I've never been "into" cosplay myself, but that is really awesome!! Good job!

  2. wow this is interesting! I think you did a very good job. I never knew you could make costumes that way. I'd love to see a picture of you wearing the costume once you are done.

    1. Thanks! I will definitely show some pictures wearing it when I am completely done with it~

  3. I've never seen anyone who wasn't a COMPLETE AND TOTAL PRO cosplayer tackle working with Worbla - at least not in a tutorial. Thanks for showing the steps, makes me feel like I could do it!

    1. Yeah it was really intimidating because you see this pro cosplayers making amazing things. But you have to start somewhere! It is going to be difficult to work with Worbla for the first time and get perfect results.

  4. That looks amazing so far! I've never done cosplay myself, but it looks like SO MUCH fun. :D Can't wait to see your finished costume!

  5. Oh my gosh. This looks like it's going to turn out amazing, and Mercenary Katarina is awesome. :D

  6. this is so cool, you did an amazing job!

  7. Love it! I'll try too.
    *Ansious to see the others parts*

  8. Could you tell me how many Worbla did you buy? I mean how many plates, and what measurement ^^

    1. For all the armor parts I made plus required material for another cosplay costume I plan to work on, I bought a large sheet and a medium sized sheet. I would recommend buying the largest size since it will be cheaper in the long run.

  9. I am trying to make a chest plate for a male and myself.
    Once you are done forming the Worbla will it still be malleable with the corset backing to remove when needed with out having to slip over ones head? And any tips on how to secure the worbla for a male chest plate?

    1. I find that my cheastplate is very flexible so I can easily remove it by stretching it open.
      As for a male cheastplate, I think it would depend on how it looked. If it is similar to this one, you could probably use the same method. Ypu could also have the type that has a front and back with a hole to slip your head into, then it secures at both sides of the torso.

  10. I am trying to make a chest plate for a male and myself.
    Once you are done forming the Worbla will it still be malleable with the corset backing to remove when needed with out having to slip over ones head? And any tips on how to secure the worbla for a male chest plate?

  11. Your painting on the breastplate is so awesome! I love this!!

  12. looks awesome!

    with paiting. i dont think you need any help really u look like you have got the hang of it. I look forward to seeing the finished product.

    I would also like to see how you do the blades as well

  13. I have only been into cosplay for a year now and this is something new that I am glad I found and with your help will be making armor for my costumes for up coming cons!

  14. This is an awesome idea! I have been cosplaying for only a year now and looking for new ideas for armor for other costumes! Thank you very much!

  15. AWESOME. The best Katarina's breastplate I've ever seen :3


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