
Monday, August 19, 2013

Reminder: August Series Challenge Week 2

Hi lovelies!

Just a quick reminder: today is the start of Week 2 of the August Series Challenge! For any of you who want to participate in this week, keep in mind that your look must be entered by the end of Saturday, August 24. You can email me pictures or the url of the site where you posted your look to my email You can also send me a link or pictures through Twitter (@darthnancy) or on Facebook (The Dark Side of Beauty). 

For the August challenge post go HERE. And for extra information check out THIS page.

This week's look is inspired by the Chuchus, gelatinous monsters that vary in color and are easy to beat. I like that they are very colorful so just have fun using the bright colors! You can base the look on just one of the chuchus, or on all of them.

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