
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Empties and Throw-Outs: Lip Products

Hello dark siders!

I mentioned on Facebook and Twitter how I decided to do a major cleaning of my makeup collection. My room and makeup collection are so cluttered, so I really need to get rid of a lot of things. I think I am getting to the point in my life where I have used so many different makeup products that I have already discovered products I really like and will repurchase for a long time. Because of this, I find myself hauling less and less than I used to. I have products I haven't used in ages, and it is time to clean out! I am using the rule that Ted Mosby uses in the show How I Met Your Mother: you have to get rid of stuff you haven't used it in the last year. So if I haven't used that product in 2013, it's time to either throw it out or give it away. I started cleaning my lipstick collection and here are some things I'm already getting rid of.


1. Sephora Lipsticks 
I've had these Sephora brand lipsticks for such a long time! I haven't really used them that much and I don't particularly like them. They have that smell that tells me that these should no longer be used. So they are going in the thrash. Repurchase? No.

2. Revlon Just Bitten Lip Stains
I've kept these for a while because they both still have the lip balms on one end. But I did use up the stain side. I actually really like the red color in the shade 'Gothic'. It is a really nice red. The other shade, 'Beloved', was okay but it did not really suit my skin tone. The balm side kind of sucks, so I don't want to kept them anymore. Repurchase? I would repurchase the shade 'Gothic'.

3. NYX Lipsticks
Like the Sephora lipsticks, these have been in my collection for ages. To be honest, I don't really like these that much. I think it's mostly because I don't like the smell of them. Repurchase? Out of the six shades I own, I would only repurchase the shade 'Snow White' because it is an amazing red lipstick.

4. Revlon Colorburst Lipstick 'Lilac' - This color looks terrible on me! It is also starting to smell gross... Repurchase? No.
5. H.I.P. Lipgloss 'Arresting' - I actually do like this, but it is too old to keep using. Repurchase? I don't think this is made anymore...
6. Maybelline Baby Lips 'Pink Punch' - I really, really, really hate this Baby Lips shade. I have a few other ones that I like, but I really dislike this one. It actually dries up my lips super badly. Repurchase? Nope!


7. Dior Addict Lipstick 'Orange Ovation'- I loved this lipstick. It was my first high end lipstick ever. It has been empty for a long time but I kept it accidentally? WTF. Repurchase? Probably not, it's kind of expensive.
8. Tarina Tarantino 'Showroom' Lipstick - I looove T.T. makeup products, but I really did not like this lipstick. It was a pretty color, but the formula was dry and it had an awful smell. I manged to finish it but it was super unpleasant to wear it. Repurchase? Dear god no.
9. Covergirl 'Divine' Lipstick - This was a phenomenal lipstick. The color was beautiful and the formula was creamy. Repurchase? No,  because the color is quite similar to a few other lipsticks I own.

So this is what I'm getting rid of today, but there is still a lot of work to be done! If you have a lot of makeup like me, it's a really good idea to go through it every couple of months to clean out products that are going bad. You'll probably see more posts like this to show empties and products I'm getting rid of. You can also see my update Blog Sale because I put up a bunch of new stuff on there.


  1. Wow~ That's a lot! I've never actually used up a single tube of lipstick/lip balm, but I've thrown away quite a few that smell weird or I know I definitely won't use again. Good way to make more space for new ones, haha! :D

    1. I'm proud that I have finished quite a few tubes of lipsticks, but I wish I didn't have to throw away stuff that still has product left. Oh well!

  2. I hate the pink punch baby lips too! I have tried every shade, and for some reason pink punch looks awful on me. That covergirl lipstick looks so pretty though! I really want to try that shade

  3. woah! that's a lot of products to throw out. Oh well, I just did the same when I was cleaning out my makeup stash..hehehe

    1. Well I'm not throwing them all out, just the ones that are old. If they are still good, I give them to my younger cousins.

  4. haha i used my baby lips pink punch pretty frequently :-P

  5. I hated Pink Punch, too. It made my lips dry and highlighted the dry spots. Also, all my Revlon ColorBurst lipsticks have started to smell gross, too. It's a shame because so many of the colors are so beautiful but now discontinued of course.

  6. i have a very very hard time throwing away makeup lol, i usually give it to someone who i may think might use it unless it is just nasty & its still sad to say goodbye ! lol will have to check your sales

    1. I do too. It makes me sad to throw away things. But I think I have to stop hoarding makeup that is starting to smell bad ;)

  7. it is so hard for me to let go of makeup..even if its a shade i don't care for lol, i usually end up giving it to someone who may like it & then if its no longer good its still hard for me to toss lol i will have to check out your sales ! only baby lips i have is coral crush & cherry me & i love them both i am disappointed that coral crush did not show up one bit on my lips though & i just bought my daughter the neon purple one

    1. I totally get it. It is so hard to throw away stuff. But the day must come when you finally take that step!

  8. This reminds me. I really need to throw out some stuff too...

    1. Haha, I think all of us makeup hoarders try to forget that we have to get rid of old makeup.


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