
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Some Updates/Plans for October: Tattoo, Videos, Confernece, and more

Heeeello everyone!

So I just wanted to make a quick post to let you all know of some updates and some of my plans for next month. I don't want to babble on here so I'll just get right to it!

First of all, for all of you who do not follow me on any other social media sites, I have been super exited about my new tattoo! I got this tattoo on September 11 and I had been waiting to get this tattoo for so long! The tattoo is of the White Tree of Gondor surrounded by the inscription from the One Ring (Black Speech written in Tengwar), both of which are from The Lord of the Rings. I got it on my left shoulder. Why did I get this? Well I am a HUGE fan of J.R.R. Tolkien and he is one of my favorite authors (along with E.T.A. Hoffmann, Edgar Allen Poe, and Haruki Murakami). I got the tattoo done at this placed called Monster's Ink in Sacramento, CA. I think the tattoo artists did such a good job, and he was extremely gentle and precise. I didn't experience much pain, probably because it is not a tattoo that required coloring or shading. Plus I think I have a high tolerance for pain. Anyway, I am super happy with how it turned out!

Youtube videos?
Lately I've been seriously thinking about making Youtube videos. I have been blogging for over 2 years and it seems like it might be time to transition my blog to incorporate video tutorials. But to do this, I feel like I need to equip myself with some new stuff. I currently use the Canon EOS Rebel T3, which is not that great for videos IMO. I am thinking of upgrading to the T3i, but I need to save some money for that. I also need some lights and maybe a backdrop. Like I said, I am really thinking about it, but I haven't really taken any big steps into starting this up. I do think it would be really great to have a Youtube channel to accompany this blog, though. What do you guys think? If you have any suggestions for how to start making videos, please let me know in the comment section~

iFabbo Social Media Conference
October is an exciting month for me. I am going to be attending the iFabbo Social Media Conference in San Francisco on October 12. I am excited because this will be the first beauty blogger related event I will be attending! Yay~ Is anyone else going to be attending?

Before the 25th of October, I am supposed to be going to Disneyland for my birthday. My birthday is on the 25th so my friends and I decided to go to Disneyland for my birthday as well as to go for the Halloween decorations. I am not 100% sure we are going yet, but I hope we do because I love Disneyland~

October Series Challenge!
Here's another issue that I want all of you to help me with: what should the theme for the October Series Challenge be? I have three ideas in mind: The Nightmare Before Christmas, Disney Villains, or the book covers of The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel novel series by Michael Scott. Please let me know if there is one particular of the three (or a theme of your choice) that you would like to see for the October Series Challenge! I would really appreciate it :)


  1. That is one seriously pretty tattoo :D

  2. Love the tattoo! I'd like to see looks based on The Nightmare Before Christmas. :)

  3. Love the tattoo! I'd like to see looks based on The Nightmare Before Christmas. :)

  4. I love your tattoo <3 Is this your first? Sorry if you've already said whether it is or not, I'm sleepy xD

    BUT ANYWAY, enjoy the conference and keep us updated! I'd love to see Disney Villains especially since you've just reviewed the nail polish sets. It'll be fun to see more Disney Villains while you're on a roll.

    PS I might like to see your youtube videos on eyeshadow tutorials but I've found that most people are really good at just one or the other, and I love to read your blog :(

    1. It's actually my second one :) I have the other on my wrist (which hurt a lot more than this one).

      Haha yeah I am afraid that if I do videos, my blog would take the back burner. But maybe I can try it out and see how that goes.

  5. LOVE the tattoo and YES you need to start doing videos. Its fun.
    Thanks for a great inspiring post!
    In Vegas this weekend? Come see Makeup University at The Stitch Factory!

  6. that is one sweet tattoo!! i am rather jealous since i also loveeee LOTR. very nice choice nancy!!

  7. i love your tattoo, and i would totally love if you did videos. :) i love your blog and the pics, but you are too gorgeous to be limited to photographs!

  8. Wow that is an awesome tattoo! I think Disney Villains would be apropos since you are going to Disneyland. Honestly though, all of your makeup is inspiring, so I look forward to any series you do!

  9. i love your tattoo! i think disney or nightmare would be super fun! have fun in disney, i am soooo jealous! i have wanted to see the halloween decorations in disney for the longest time!

  10. Your tattoo is absolutely stunning! I have been wanting one of the inscription for about the last 10-15 years, but I just can't decide where to put it! Eventually I will do it - looking at yours makes me want it even more! And putting The White Tree in the middle was genius! <3

    I have no advice on YouTube videos, but if you make them, I will watch the hell outta 'em! :D

  11. i've been dying to be inked again! love your design!


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