
Monday, October 14, 2013

FOTD's from last week

Hello everyone :D

I have soooo many things to post but I was completely backlogged this weekend. I was out of town and when I finally returned home, I felt really sick. I barely had time to post my Maleficent look, and ever since then I haven't had the energy to post anything else. That, and also I have been playing Pokemon X non-stop (such a good, btw).
I have two FOTD's from Thursday and Friday using the Halloween eyeshadows from Dreamworld Hermetica. Both looks are very wearable and neutral because I had two job interviews to go to. Also, as you might notice from the second FOTD, I cut my hair quite short. I have been incredibly lazy with my hair and I needed something that was manageable and cute ^_~

I can't remember all the products I used, but I know for sure I used 'Black Flamed Candle' eyeshadow and 'Pixie Gold' lip gloss in the look below.

I'm feeling a lot better today, so I hope I will be able to catch up with the posts I have to write! :)


  1. beautiful and sweet makeup :D I love it!

  2. Gorgeous neutral looks! I love your hair too. It really suits you.

  3. Hi beautiful :) I think your lip gloss is gorgeous! :)

  4. ahhh the same thing happened to me. i went home to NY for the weekend, then got super sick when i got home. i'm glad your feeling better. this look is so beautiful and i love your hair!!

  5. I love this look, it look's great on you! I will try it on myself!

  6. This looks are so fresh and natural, they fit you so well!


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