
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Review+EOTD: Meilasu Purplish Red Creme Eyeshadow Provided by KKCenterhk

Hello!~ Another product that was sent to me by KKCenterhk was this creme shadow by the brand Meilasu. I have never heard of this brand, so I was very excited to try a new brand out. I chose this color because it reminded me a lot of Illamasqua's lipstick in 'Underwold', which is a pink/purple with a strong blue duo-chrome.

Here is the look I created with this eyeshadow:

But more on the EOTD after the review...

Price and Availability
5.8g for $2.80 on the KKCenterhk website. For the price, it is a great deal!
*I received this product to review.


The packaging is pretty, and very simple. It comes in a clear jar, that is small and has a good amount of weight to it. The lid is screw on, which I personally find annoying. Sometimes, the cap won't screw on right and its a hassle. But I guess I am just weird like that. The smallness of the jar makes it very easy to store though.

Product Review
The texture of this is kind of odd. I was expecting a creme eyeshadow, but this has a slight mousse texture. It feels very smooth and silky, almost like a primer. But be very careful of using this. Because of the formula, I recommend setting this with another eyeshadow or just a translucent powder to make sure it won't crease.

The color was something that also surprised me. I was expecting something much more purple, but it is actually a lot more pink than purple. The blue duo chrome is there, so I was very content with the color. I also find that this color is very close to my Coastal Scents 'Chameleon Violet' Mica, so they go perfect together. Also, when swatched, it had some very fine silver glitter. Its very subtle, but I like it a lot :)

The shadow feels very "airy" and "mousee-y" on my fingertip
Swatched alone. Can you see the silver shimmers?
LEFT: Meilasu creme shadow with CS Mica on top/ RIGHT: CS 'Chameleon Violet' Mica alone
Can you see how the Coastal Scents 'Chameleon Violet' Mica intensifies the color? It also sets the creme shadow~


Products Used:

~ELF Eyelid Primer
~Pixie Epoxy
~MAC 'She Who Dares' eyeshadow [the green side]
~Meilasu creme shadow
~Coastal Scents 'Chameleon Violet' Mica
~Dolly Wink liquid liner
~Maybelline the Falsies mascara

How to Achieve this Look:
1. Apply your primer
2. Apply 'She Who Dares' or any green shade on the lid, crease, and on the  lower lash line (except for inner corners of the lower lash line)
3.Apply the Meilasu creme shadow past the crease in a defined line (Don't blend it too much)
4. Apply the Meilasu creme shadow on the inner corners and slightly on the lower lash line
5. Apply the CS Mica to set the Meilasu creme shadow
6. Draw a thin line on your upper lash line using liquid liner
7. Mascara


I really love this color, specially because it goes so well with my CS Mica. I wish the formula was a little better, because it feels like it creases really easy. I will still use it though :D I think next time I will apply the Pixie Epoxy on the areas I apply the Meilasu creme shadow. I think that will help.
Thank you so much for reading ;)
*This product was sent by a company for review.


  1. Love your EOTD!!!!! I have this in black & it's really impressive :D

  2. That looks so pretty. =)

  3. Stunning! I need some of that Pixie Epoxy~ XD

  4. wow great look i luv it~~~i did a little research of the is a chinese/korean brand that is made specifically for photography studios....but they also do mass retail in china as well~~~seems really look though...their mascara is suppose to be really good according to online reviews....


  5. The colors is nice! Yea, applying a base should help with the creasing:)

  6. lovely! i love the colors you picked for this look. :) the swatch of the eyeshadow also looks very pretty. ;)

  7. I really love this look, I even took a screen cap and showed it to my friend. She loves purple eyes. Hmmnnn I might try this look tonight :)

  8. you look the contacts to complete the look :)


  9. @Jessy: Wow that is pretty awesome. It makes sense since KKCenterhk is based in Hong Kong.

    @ChinaDoll: Thank you ^_^ YOu should, it is a very fun look!

    @socialitedreams: Thanks Vonnie! I really like these contacts! They look a lot more natural than in the photo.

  10. Duude, your EOTDs ares ooo pretty. Love this shadow though! The duo chrome is beautiful! AND, you're brilliant for combining it with the green. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  11. It's really pretty! These are great colors together and the duo chrome is so pretty.

  12. The colors is so bold and pretty, your eyes is always stunning :D

  13. @tiffyama: Aww thanks! I do love green and purple together :) They compliment each other so well!

    @Midnite Echo: Thank you~ I love the duo chrome too!

    @cominica-ai: I am flattered~ Thank you ;)


Thank you for taking the time to comment <3 I appreciate every single comment I receive ^_^