
Friday, January 27, 2012

Fyrinnae Tutorial: Flirty Valentine

Hello ♥ With Valentine's day around the corner, I thought I would do a couple of eye looks for the occasion. I am not going to lie, Valentine's Day is not my favorite day of the year. I hate the commercialization of the holiday. I do like what the day represents: love and friendship. I therefore want to dedicate my Valentine inspired looks to all those I love. I also want to dedicate it to all of you my readers, who are so kind to me and who have given me the support and confidence to keep this blog up and running. ^_^

This is very simple, yet fun look.It is quick to do and you can use a variation of different color combinations. If you don't want to use pink and purple, use any other color you want.
Using My Memories Suite

Products Used
-Maybelline Color Tattoo 'Painted Purple'
-Fyrinnae 'Sakura' Eyeshadow
-Fyrinnae 'Faerie Glamour'
-Dolly Wink liquid liner
-L'oreal mascara


1. Apply a primer or base. I am using this Maybelline Color Tattoo in 'Painted Purple' as a base to add some color. It is a little sheer, but it works none the less.

2. Use a flat brush to apply 'Sakura' on the entire lid.

 3. Next, apply 'Faerie Glamour' on the crease and outer V. Blend slightly. With the same brush, apply the left over product on the lower lash line for a subtle purple effect.

4. Lastly, apply mascara and liquid liner. If you want to apply falsies, go right ahead. I didn't just to keep this look very simple.
Your look is complete! Now you can go around with a very flirty purple and pink look :D

Speaking of flirting, have you ever had an experience when someone flirts with you at the very worst time? Yesterday, I was in one of the computer labs at my Uni, and this cute guy started to flirt with me. That is fine and all, except for the fact that I had an essay due in 20 minutes and I was not done yet. I wanted to tell him to give me rain check since I was busy, but he took my behavior as me being uninterested, so he left. In my mind I was like "Nooo, come back cute guy!!!" T_T Oh well.


  1. This is SO pretty. You never fail to amaze me with your blending skills, either. Dang girlfriend!

  2. Amazing!!! LOL and aww at the flirting story. Also, is there a way for you to take face shots without the blue-ish lighting?

  3. super duper pretty! love the outer v color

  4. Lol you HAVE to track down cute comp lab guy now! haha
    And I love this look! Purple & pink are perfect for V-day :)

  5. I love these tutorials and the flirting story is too cute! Lol @ "Nooo, come back cute guy!!!"

  6. Argh I hope you're gonna see him again =D !!!! Really cool look =) I'll try it out =)

    xxx Vee

  7. i love this look!!! super romantic =D and awwww i really hope u see the cute guy again!! if it's meant to be, you'll run into him. Uni is smaller than u think it is at some times ^_~

  8. Such a cute tutorial!! :) Now that I think of it... I think that purple is a romantic colour. ^^

  9. very lovely look and lolz grt story..

  10. This is a very pretty look! I like how you used more purple in your look, rather than letting the pink be the center of focus. A lot of the Valentine looks I've been seeing on other blogs are mostly pink or red based, which gets a bit monotonous after awhile :)

    lol aww I hope you bump into that guy at the computer lab again soon!

  11. OMG!! I love this look! :D would surely need this for Valentines day!! <3

  12. Awww, such a sweet look for Valentine's day! :D Loveee it!

    HAHA. You were totally being tested while doing your paper. Darn that cute boy!

  13. This is a gorgeous look! Screw Valentine's Day, this is awesome for every day.

  14. Really pretty and it doesn't have to be really pink...

  15. I just found your blog today googling for Sakura swatches, I like how this look turned out, now I have to decide if I wanna purchase Sakura or Crimson Ghost, both so pretty but so different! Nice blog lady!


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