
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Les Merveilleuses LADURÉE

I just saw this a couple of days ago...I died!!
LADURÉE is known for their macaroons, and now they are releasing a beautiful collection of makeup (I believe they already had previous makeup but I am not totally sure)~ I believe that LADURÉE teamed up with the same company that
Magazine article

I am a huge geek, but I really like classical music and Victorian style house/clothing/jewelry. So when I saw this range of makeup that is to be released in Japan in a couple of days, I was soooo excited. I mean, look at the packaging of their products! The most exciting thing for me is their face/cheek products. They look really beautiful!
Face Color

Cream Cheek Base

Pressed Cheek Color (my favorite one!)
Cheek Brush
There are some other products as well that you can see in their Official Website.

I really hope that us who don't live in Japan will be able to get our hands on these products because I am in LOVE~

*Pictures from the official website

Do you like the packaging? Is this something you would purchase?


  1. OMG. You know what these remind me of? Sailor Moon. Yes, I am a total dork. But I would buy them just because they remind me of that, my favorite childhood memory. <3

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ah, I can totally see it! Sailor Moon FTW~

  2. Oh my goodness! I am in love with the little egg cup blush. I would never be able to use it though, too pretty.

    1. Haha I see what you mean. I would most likely still use it, but value it above all my other makeup~

  3. this looks so lovely

  4. Oooh~ everything is sooo cute!! I love products w/such cute packaging. Makes me want to buy them even more!!

    1. I know! Same here. The packaging is just marvelous!

  5. wow these are beauuuutiful!!! i heard rumors that they were releasing makeup but hadn't seen pictures. omg i want!! they are more attractive than even JS i think...

    1. I agree! They are prettier than JS, I think mostly because they are so sophisticated and look like they are meant for classy women.

  6. this is gorgeous.... I bumped into your blog and now following ya !

    I invite you to check out my blog .
    blessings girlie!


  7. Thanks for answering my question about the "jellys"! I'm going to return the products back to the store and hopefully I will get new ones. :)

    You got some interesting posts here. :o I think I'm going to follow you.

  8. I probably wouldnt purchase but the packagings are superb ! If I was gonna get something it would be the cream cheek base !

    xxx Vee

    1. Yes that one is so cute!
      I think these will be very expensive T_T


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