
Monday, September 10, 2012

HARE Polish 'Afterglow'

Greetings from the Dark Side!
Sorry for not having any posts in the last couple days, but I went camping over the weekend~ It was really fun! It was so nice to be out, away from my computer and just relaxing in the outdoors.

Now that I'm back to my usual routine, I want to share with you some of my most recently purchased HAREs. I love HARE polishes so much! They are all amazing! This one is by far one of my favorites and it is called 'Afterglow'.

Afterglow is a medium-toned blue jelly with loads of orange, purple, and pink glitters. The base looks dark, but it is still bright! It is so weird, a bright dark-sih blue! It looks really lovely.
Like all other HAREs I've shown, this is only two coats of the polish on its own with a top coat.

Finally, my tattoo healed up. It peeled a lot though and the colors look very washed out, so I have to get it re-touched again! Bah! I just wanted to show you how it looks now before I touch it up again this week~ Also, my wrist is angled weirdly. The tattoo is not crooked! Lol, it is just my wrist being in a weird position.

I am just so in love with HARe polishes~ They are somewhat pricey, but totally worth it in my opinion. I would 100% rather pay $10-12 for one of these than get an $8 OPI bottle. These are much more unique and so much easier to apply! The only bad thing is that like all glitter polishes, these can be a bit annoying to remove.

Thank you for reading ♥


  1. What a pretty color! And I love the bunny sticker with the nail polish name on it. :D

  2. O wow this is really pretty! I love the colour combo of the glitters!


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