
Monday, September 10, 2012

TATCHA Skin Care: 4 Week Update

Greetings from the Dark Side!

If you have not heard of TATCHA skin care either from me or from other bloggers, you have been missing out. I did a post four weeks ago of a first impression of the TATCHA skin care line. Today it has been four weeks since I started using it and I wanted to give you guys a bit of an update. This is NOT a review. I still want to give these products abit more time. For more information on the products go either to my First Impression post or to the TATCHA website.


Here are all the products that I am using: 

After using these for four weeks I still have the same feelings I did when I first started using them. To be 100% honest though, I have been not at sticking to my routine :/ I went camping and stayed over at my friends house and I didn't use the products through that time. I also had a hormonal breakout about two weeks ago that did not help me to evaluate these products. These have not made me breakout though. It is just my usual monthly hormonal breakout :( But still, it distracted me from seeing how these products were working for skin.

The Cleansing Oil is moisturizing and yet effectively removes makeup from my skin. You only need the smallest of oil for your entire face. I am still unsure about this though. I am not sure if using my Bioderma water basically does the same. But either ways, I do love this. I am just not 100% whether I will purchase a full size. I still have plenty left though. I am going to keep using it to see how I feel about it.

The Polishing Powders are very interesting products. They are exfoliants that are super gentle. My favorite is the Deep polishing powder because I have very dry skin (therefore a lot of dead skin and dry spots) and acne scars that need good exfoliation.  Overall really like these. I think that this is combination with the Brightening Serum have helped my scars to lighten up a little. So I am impressed :D I am leaning towards the decision of repurchasing this. Although, I still have plenty of product left!

The Brightening Serum...well, I have so much to say about this one. This is the first of the TATCHA samples that I used up. But thankfully, they had sent me a full-size of it. So I started using the full-size, and I must say...this is my favorite TATCHA product! It feels so amazing on my skin, like silk! And it makes my skin look brighter, smoother, and more hydrated. I really think that this has made a small difference in my acne scars already. 4 weeks is really nothing, and acne scars take ages to lighten, but this has made a small impact on them. I am dreading the moment that I run out of this because the price tag is quite hefty! I will keep using it and see how it goes.

The Anti-Aging Moisturizer really has been consistent throughout using it. It is really moisturizing,and it makes my skin have a nice balance. It has been amazing right now that the weather is starting to transition (from summer to fall weather) since my skin tends to act up during temperature changes. I can't say much else. It does what it says it supposed to do; it makes my skin hydrated and never oily.

My other favorite product is the TATCHA blotting sheets. These things are AMAZING. I can't believe I had not used them for a while. I used these a lot when I went camping, and they were a life saver! We took a lot of pictures, but it was so hot outside that my foundation was practically melting off my face. These kept my face looking fresh and oil-free for the pictures. These are without a doubt the best blotting sheets I have ever used. I will definitely re-purchase these!

Skin Pictures

Here are side by side pictures of the before and after pictures. Keep in mind that it has only been 4 weeks. My scars are less red and a little less prominent than they were before. I am quite happy with the results!

BEFORE                                                                             AFTER

Right Side

 Left Side

The main thing to consider is that you must have patience. Skin care products are not always miracles in a bottle. They can take time. Don't put your expectation too high, or else you might be disappointed. I am extremely happy that it has made a difference to my skin, no matter how small it may seem to others. Acne scars are so stubborn and difficult to get rid of. To me, this small change is HUGE. It means having to wear a bit less foundation and also it allows me to be a little more confident in myself. I will keep using these products and update you once more. Once I finish ALL of the sample products, I will do a proper review on each product separately. 
In the mean time, I hope you enjoyed this post!

Thank you all for reading ♥
See you all next time!

*Products mentioned where sent to me by PR for consideration. All opinions are my own.


  1. I do see improvement in the redness, and texturally your skin looks nicer :)

  2. Great improvement, I have pimple scars as well and like you have hormonal breakouts and I hate it and I've been trying a lot of products non seemed to work because I've been expecting a lot from the products that I end up getting disappointed and thanks for pointing that out.

  3. I totally see improvement! I have a lot of acne scars as well as a few zits & an uneven texture to my skin (wow that just sounded absolutely crazy) but anyway, I think that a good skin care product is hard to find that will actually DO something. Your skin looks great!

  4. Don't you just love it. It cleared me up as well! I am in LOVE WITH IT. I just purchased the full sized oil cleanser and already had the serum. Those are my 2 favorite items from the ritual.

  5. There's definately a great deal to learn about this subject.
    I like all of the points you made.

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  6. The before and after pictures look really good. I will definitely have to consider using this product for my skin nightmare.


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