
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Haul + First Impression: Inglot


This is really exciting for me! My very first Inglot purchase ever!I have been lagging this post because of one thing which I will get into more in my first impression. But for now, let me show you what I purchased! Oh and just FYI, the closest Inglot store to me is in Las Vegas, but there is a counter in San Francisco too. I decided to order online because of the 20% off sale in August.

Inglot 3-pan palette
I decided to get the 3-pan instead of the 4 or 5 pan one because I wanted something compact that I can carry around easier.

Inglot Eyeshadows 
I choose 5 eyeshadows. 2 brown-purples that I want to use for blending, a bold matte teal, a shimmery purple, and a sating coral~
338, 439, 358


Inglot Gel Liner #79
My very first and unique Inglot gel liner!! I chose this red shade because I have nothing like it! It is really cool!

Inglot Gel Lipstick #65
Do I even need to explain this one? Purple lipstick! There is no more explanation needed.

338, 439, 361, 358

344, #65, #79

First Impression
My first purchase and I already have some good and bad thoughts about Inglot. First of all, the products are amazing! I love all the things I got. The prices are pretty reasonable too. But then everything fell apart a little. For one thing, my order was separated into two shipments. The first shipment took forever to get to my house because they messed up my address really badly (and I wrote it correctly at checkout). I got a call from a Fed Ex warehouse (my package was there but they could not find the address because it was written wrong on the parcel) and I had to give them my actual address. Then, the second order took over 2 more weeks. I had no tracking number or email notice for the second parcel so I had no idea when it was shipped or where it was. I just received it yesterday out of the blue! I think I would much rather go to the counter in San Francisco than to order online again...

As far as the products go, I think I am super more interested in trying more of the gel eyeliners and the Gel Lipsticks! The Gel Lipstick in #65 was my favorite product of my order. It feels so different than other lipsticks. It just slides really smoothly on the lips.

Keep an eye out for reviews, looks, and tutorials with these products :D 

Thank you for reading ♥


  1. Wow the gel eyeliner is something amazing! I've never seen a product like it.

  2. Yay! I love Inglot<3 I was way lucky when I was in Vegas last month and got to buy some items in store. I definitely love your eyeshadow picks! Especially the teal and purple. :D

  3. Can't wait to see the looks you make out of these!

  4. The teal and peachy eyeshadow looks really pretty!! I also just went into one of the Inglot stores this week, practically drooling at all the colours (especially the rainbow eyeshadows). The red gel liner looks really cool too. XD

  5. That gel eyeliner looks gorgeous, red is such a cool colour for it! I really want to try Inglot now :)

  6. I feel like I need to run out and get me some inglot now! That teal and purple eyeshadow is stunning! Can't wait to see how you wear it. :)

  7. I can't wait to see these products in your looks! The lipstick looks awesome and the red liner is eeeeeeee!

  8. Can't wait to see your review of the liner, I've been eyeing the white one for a few months now. But now I'm worried about ordering online. The closest inglot store to me is in Manhattan & I'm NEVER there!

  9. The eyeliner is awesome! You could totally rock it ;)

  10. Oh wow, that red liner looks absolutely STUNNING! Do you think it would be suitable for lips too?

    1. I am not sure if this is lip safe. On the Inglot website it says, "Can be used as an eye shadow or body painting gel.
      Brush number 30T is recommended for eyeliner application."
      So I am guessing it is not recommended to use on the lips. It would look amazing on the lips though!

  11. It sucks that your order was stuffed up a little, but I'm glad you like the actual products.


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