
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Rescue Beauty Lounge 'Anne'

Hello everyone~ I hope you are all having a great day :)

Anne is described by RBL:
"Rumored to be a sorceress, Henry's second wife lends her short-lived name to this bewitching olive green with a pink-gold metallic iridescence. "
The color reminds me of a more sophisticated version of colors like MAC 'Mean and Green"and Hard Candy 'Beetle'.

Price and Availability

$18 on the Rescue Beauty Lounge website. This is limited edition. This was a gift from my dad, so no I did not purchase it.

I was very surprised and confused with this nail polish. The consistency is more watery than any other RBL polish I have tried before. I thought it was going to be sheer, but when I applied one coat, it wasn't sheer at all. One coat gives decent coverage, and two coats is completely opaque. Because of the thin formula it dries very fast. So you get opacity and a fast dry time. I am quite content, but I know some people will hate that the formula is thinner, although I did not have any problems applying it.

*Two coats of Anne

$18 is a very steep price (of course not as bad as the Chanel price of $25).  If you absolutely love the color, then I completely recommend this polish. The formula overall is really great and all of RBL polish have:
. No Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP)
· No Formaldehyde
· No Formaldehyde Resin
· No Toluene
· No Animal Testing

 Rating: 9.5/10
Repurchase? Probably not. I like the color and formula, but this isn't my favorite RBL polish because the color doesn't suit me as well as some of my other RBLs. Never the less, it is a phenomenal polish and I can see why so many people voted to bring the color back.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

FOTD: Black Lips and Stylettos

Black lips. Very trendy on the runway, but something most women are very scared of wearing outside of the catwalk. A black lip is one of the hardest lip colors to wear and it requires constant touch ups. But no fear, The Dark Side of Beauty is here.

I have been fascinated by dark lip colors, and being as pale as I am, it is difficult to wear very dark lip colors. So when I had the opportunity to make another order on Lime Crime, I made a rash decision to purchase 'Styletto' lipstick. 'Styletto' is my first black lippie, and it might just be the only one I ever use. It is extremely pigmented and has a glossy finish. I applied the color straight from the tube and then used a lip brush to clean up the edges. So as far as the formula of the lipstick, I am extremely satisfied!

Here is the look I did when I wore 'Styletto' for the first time.
 I look incredible pale! Black hair + black lippie + SPF BB cream + no blush= super pale face! 
I should have added some blush... but I didn't want to overwhelm the look.

EOTD: From Day to Evening Teals

I often encounter people who are afraid to use bright colors, especially for day time wear. It is totally fine to stay with neutral colors, but if you are one of those people who wants to experiment with brighter colors, here are some tips on using bold colors.

For a more conservative day time look while still using a bright color, I would advise you to simply do a colored liner look. Chose one bold color and  line your upper lash line. You can also line your lower lash line with a different color, but that is optional. This is very wearable because the color will be subtle enough to be worn during the day.Something you an add to any eyeshadow looks to make it more wearable, is to add a light matte brown to the crease. This helps to balance out any bright colors.
Here is what I did, mind you I had this on all day and now it looks kind of bad.

I used MAC Siahi Fluidline on the upper lash line, a matte brown on the crease, and Urban Decay Ransom 24/7 liner on the lower lash line.

The easiest way to take your day time look to a night time look is to chose one eyeshadow that matches the color of the liner, and simply apply it on the entire lid. If you applied a second color on the lower lash line, intesify it with another similar-colored eyeshadow.
 I used a dark teal, sparkly mint, and dark purple from my YSL Midnight Garden Palette.

Of course you can use any colors you wish or you can also just switch you lip colors to do a day to evening change. This is really easy because you can make a simple night time look with one or two eyeshadows. Hope you enjoyed :) I will try to do another, more complicated day to evening look sometime int he future :D

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cult Nails 'Time Traveler'

Hello lovely readers!
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it). Mine was okay, I didn't do much. I did go to visit my grandmother, who came from Mexico just recently. I love my grandma, she is just hilarious! I love to spend time with her, especially since unfortunately my other grandmother passed away about a year ago.  Anyways, besides that, all my time has been consumed by Skyrim. I am so addicted to that game.

I will start doing the swatches for the Cult Nails Super Powers Collection~ This is Time Traveler (Hello Doctor Who reference!) as well as Time Traveler with Clairvoyant on top. Enjoy :)

Time Traveler is a dark imperial blue with a creme/jelly finish.  Honestly, I thought the color was going to be a little brighter, and I am a little disappointed at how dark it turned out. But, I ended up loving how it looked on my nails, so I guess I am not all that sad.

Price and Availability
$10 on the Cult Nails website. I got the entire collection of 4 polishes for $30 during the pre-sale. I am not sure you can get it for $30 still, but you can check.

This polish applies like a creme, but it has a semi-jelly finish (super glossy). This polish is SUPER opaque (no pun intended), but it is a little bit on the thicker side. It isn't too think, and it is still applies nicely. I just wish it could be a tiny bit less thick, but overall I am very content with the formula.

*I have a base coat, and one thick coat of Time Traveler.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pinky Paradise Circle Lens Review: Dolly + Red


I wanted to do a quick review on a pair of circle lenses. Red lenses at that :D I am planning on doing my Midna look for The Legend of Zelda soon. Midna has red eyes, and I will be using these lenses for that look. So before I do a makeup look with these lenses, I want to do a review on the lenses themselves.

Price and Availability
$22.90 on Pinky Paradise website.

These are a vibrant red with a black pattern. Great for cosplaying or for those times when you just want to look evil. Not wearable for everyday occasions.

These have a 14.5mm diameter, and they are not alien-looking or too big. When I first put them on, they keep sliding around in my eye, and I had to adjust them several times. After a little while, they finally stayed in place. These are not the most comfortable lenses, but they are definitely not uncomfortable. I would say you could wear them with no problems. I personally would only wear these lenses for cosplaying/doing makeup looks. 

Lens with no makeup:

OOTD: Executively Sultry

The day that I cannot blog is a sad day indeed. I didn't post yesterday, and to me it feels like I haven't posted in forever. I can finally start to do the posts I promised you guys, since I have two days off for Thanksgiving (Happy Thanksgiving by the way!). I will start with this OOTD featuring the lace dress from Karmaloop. This was a gift from my dad, which was a great surprise to me since he isn't very keen on presents and I didn't think he payed attention when I told him I wanted this dress.
You can find the dress HERE:

I call this "Executively Sultry" because on one hand it can look very nice and put together when worn under a jacket or blazer. If you take off the jacket/blazer, it will be a very sexy top/dress. I use this dress as a top as well because it is relatively really short!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rescue Beauty Lounge 'Chinoise'

Hi everyone~
I have been a little slow with everything (swatches/posts/commenting), but I have been so busy with school. Finals are around the corner, so I might be a little inconsistent with my posting. Also, there is a crazy amount of rallies and protests at UCD right now. The campus is in slight chaos.
But anyways, here is a super quick swatch of Chinoise~

Chinoise is a bright, lacquered red. Ji describes it as it looking like the lacquer on a painted Chinese screen, and I completely agree~

Price  and Availability
$18 on the RBL website

The consistency of the polish was great. This one is more liquidy than my other RBLs, but it wasn't too runny or difficult to work with. It spread out nicely and very easily. This is where it gets tricky. I found that one coat was not sheer, but it was sort of see through.Its hard to explain. In other words, one coat was decently pigmented, but under certain lighting I could see my nail line. You can definitely get away with one coat, but maybe two coats would be the best.The thing I liked the most was the finish. It was

Here is one coat of Chinoise on my nail. It is the only thing I have on my nails (no base coat, no top coat).
Sorry for the messy application @_@

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Huge Haul + First Impressions: Skyward Sword, Illamaqua, Lime Crime, RBL, and more

As you guys may know, I am recently started a makeup ban. But before I started my ban, I bought a few things and was gifted some things as well. Oddly enough, they all arrived here on Friday! I was bombarded with packages, which was really awesome! It felt like Christmas :)
Just warning you, it is a pretty big haul~

1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Finally! No more waiting. I woke up early and got my ass to my nearest Game Stop to pick up my pre-order for Skywards Sword. I bought the Collectors Edition which includes the game, a limited edition Zelda Wiimote, and the 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD. I am loving it, but I know most of you don't cre for video games, so I will leave it at that.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

FOTD: Transition Metals

Hello ^_^ How are you all doing? I am great! I love Saturdays :D
I have a more neutral look to share with you all. Hope you enjoy~

Tag: About Me

Hello ^_^ How are you all doing! Hope you had a great Friday!
I just got back from a basketball game, UC Davis VS Standford. We got our ass kicked by Standford unfortunately, but it was a really fun game! Everyone played great. I am not a huge basketball fan, but I thought it would be fun to go with my friends.

I saw this tag on Bows and Curtseys and I just had to do it :D I want you to get to know me better, so in turn ?I might get to know all of you better. I hope you guys will do this tag as well~

Vital Statistics:

-Name: Nancy
-Nicknames: Nanchii and Nanshii. Yeah pretty lame!
-Birthday: October 25th
-Place of Birth:woodland, California
-Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. I think this sign represents me well in many aspects. I can be very introverted and shy to speak openly. I can also be very stubborn.
-Male or Female: Female
-Occupation: Student


Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Legend of Zelda Series: Zelda from Skyward Sword

I want it to be Sunday, November 20th already. If you didn't know, the new Legend of Zelda game comes out! It is said to be the best Zelda game thus far, even better than Ocarina of Time. I thought that was completely insane at first but now I am starting to think might be true. In order to celebrate the release of this new epic game, I wanted to do a look based on Zelda (woot, another Zelda look). Zelda is not a princess in Skyward Sword, unlike in all the other games. She seems very lively, energetic, and fun! She is very different from the usual Princess Zelda.

This is the picture I based the look on.
                         She wears a lot more pink, has bright blue, and very colorful accessories.

And here is my look. I will tell you I wasn't happy with how it came out. In the photos, it looks very unblended. In real person it didn't look like that, so I am not sure what happened. But I couldn't re-do the look because of time restrictions. I think you guys have the idea of what it looks like though!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Review: KKCenterhk Lashes ES A855 & A88

 Hello ^_^
I wanted to share with you all some new lashes I received from KKCenterhk.
The two different models are the ES A855, which is a dense natural-looking lash, and the ES A88 which are dense black lashes.

These are very soft lashes, and they look very natural. Be careful when taking them out, because they are very delicate! I actually ripped one because I was not careful :/ I love that they are very lightweight and natural looking though!
Here, I used these lashes. I think these look pretty natural, and they are not dramatic. I could totally wear these during the day when I go to school.

These lashes a bit more dramatic. They are very dark and very densely packed. I like these for dramatic looks, but I would not wear them during the day or with very minimal eye makeup. I do love how they look though :D
These are the lashes I wore when I did my Zelda look (which will be posted soon!)

Definitely love both of these. I was a huge fan of a pair of lashes that came in the ES A500 set which looked very similar to the A88. I love the A88 for dramatic looks, but the A855 come in very handy for a more subtle effect. The A855 is also great for natural or minimal eye looks and can be worn for daytime. The A855 are on the pricey side, but if you love lashes that are light weight, they might be worth checking out.
For more information, check out the KKCenterhk site.

Rating: 9/10

Also! Here is a 10% off code for the KKCenterhk products!
Code : BLGA261YA10
Coupon Code End Date: Feb. 28th 2012

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Purple Lipstick Collection

Hello!~ Just wanted to let you all know that I will be a little occupied the next week or so. I have a terrible amount of school work, and I also have been addicted to playing Skyrim. I will have some scheduled posts, but I will not be commenting as much as I would like. Thank you all, and have a great week!

I feel so giddy to show you my purple lippie collection ^_^ I love purple lipsticks and I am completely obsessed with finding new additions to my collection. A lot of my lipsticks are limited edition lipticks from MAC, and I am so sorry if I show something you can no longer find! But anyways, here are swaches of all my purple lipsticks, including any purple toned lipsticks.

*The lipsticks look a little washed out, and they look more pink/red than purple. But trust me, they are purple.



My favorites:
-MAC 'Asian Flower'
-Illamasqua 'Underworld'
-MAC Blooming Lovely
-Lime Crime 'D'Lilac' and 'Airborne Unicorn'
My least favorites:
-NYX Castle (It doesn't look good on my lips)
-MUFE #15 (I love the color, but it smells terrible and it has a gritty texture)
-Fyrinnae Coffin Velvet (Love the color, but it applies patchy on my lips)

I think I might have forgotten to add one or two lipsticks here (I totally forgot to add my Australis lipstick!).
I am on a makeup ban, and I will not be buying any lipsticks until I use the lipsticks that I own. But please, if you have any recommendations for purple lipsticks please leave a comment. I love to heat what you have have to say ^_^

Many people think purple lipsticks are unwearable and "crazy." What are your thoughts on this? Would you wear a bright purple lipstick? I know I would ;)

NOTD: Hidden Rubies

I wanted to try some layering with different polishes, but I am not the best with layering unfortunately. I tried a combo of three polishes. Tell me what you guys think about it ^_^

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Lipstick Compendium: YBF 'Pink Princess' Royalty Pewter Lipstick

Hi Dolls~ Today I want to you show you a beautiful lipstick from YBF (Your Best Friend) Cosmetics.

This is the Royalty Collectible Pewter Lipstick in Princess Pink. a very great name, just look at the packaging! It is certainly fir for a princess.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Update: Makeup Ban, Reviews, Looks, and The Legend of Zelda

Hello Darlings~ ♥

Just a little update for you guys.

Makeup Ban
Yes, it has come to this. I have been hauling a lot recently, and I really have to put a stop to it. I actually really don't have the money to be spending right now either, so that is another reason. Instead, I want to shop my stash and use products I don't use often. I also want to do a Project 20 Pan, which is currently in progress. I think this will be a great way to see what products I love, which ones I hate, and which I would repurchase. My goal is also to use some of my older makeup which will go bad (especially some MAC lippies). I can then B2M those MAC empties and get some new products :D
Hopefully this will go well. I don't want to go on a compete ban, and I want to set up a reward system for myself. There is this very cool thing going around, where you have a personal goal and a group goal for every week. If you are able to complete the goal for the week, you set aside $5 (or whatever amount you want) aside as a "makeup fund". I think I want to do this because it is a great way that you can still save money for makeup and buy makeup, but you have to meet a goal in order for that to happen. I will let you guys know if I decide to do this~
Also, I will have one or two haul posts since I purchased some things about a week ago.

Review and Looks
I have so many pending reviews and looks that it is hard for me to have a steady schedule for when I post review and looks. I have also received a lot of request to do more OOTD posts. But I will try my best to balance the types of posts I do! Please let me know what kinds of posts you want to see more often ^_^

The Legend of Zelda Series
Skywards Swords comes out this Sunday, November 20. I will keep doing this series until I feel like it is done with, and I will likely also do other inspired looks. I have highly enjoyed doing the few looks I have done. Now, my question to you is, what characters from The Legend of Zelda would you like me to do a look on? Naturally, I will be doing a Link look, and I already have Zelda #2 look on the way. I already am thinking of doing a look on Midna as well as a look inspired by the Zoras. So yeah, just let me know what character you want me to do a look on :D
Have a great week! I will be seeing more of you guys this week!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

EOTD: Under the Sea

With this post, I will be done with all my Fyrinnae Halloween 2011 looks! Woot! I have enjoyed using all the colors so much!! And I will be using them more in future looks as well. But these posts were specifically designed to showcase all the shades so you can see how they look like in action. The last shade I will be using is 'Wake Not the Dead', which is a glittery purple. Go to my review for this collection if you haven't seen that yet ^_^ I used this shade in conjunction with my YSL Midnight Garden palette, and it ended up looking like some fun aquatic, Little Mermaid inspired look, IMO. This was super nostalgic because The Litther Mermaid was one of my favorite Disney movies when I was young, along with Aladdin and Sleeping Beauty. Anyways, here is my Under the Sea Look~

OOTD: Cold Weather

Hi Loves!

I have never done an Outfit of the Day post. Never. I was a little hesitant to show you guys my outfit, because I am not necessarily the most fashion conscious person. I love my band/geeky t-shirts, and only occasionally do I dwell outside of my comfort zone. When it comes to more feminine clothes, I tend to prefer clothes with lace and really anything that is black. I like pieces that are cute, but that are still a little dark. Of course that is to be expect from The Dark Side of Beauty, right? Let's get right into it then~ Sorry if my photos are a little awkward! I wasn't really sure how to photograph my outfit very well, but I will work on that. Also can we stop and talk about the color of my bathroom wall? My walls are painted a light sage green, and on the photos it looks like the most disgusting soup green I have ever seen. We shall ignore that!
I wore this outfit when I went shopping to the Outlet Mall in Vacaville, CA. It was very cold outside and it was raining!


Here is the outfit for the most part. I am wearing a very warm 3/4 sleeved coat from Forever 21, a lace dress from Macy's, and thick grey tights.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Eyecandy Lens Review: Neo Queen Gray

Happy Veterans Day! Hope you are all having a great Friday!

Today I will be review another pair of circle lenses, the Neo Queen Gray.

Keep reading for a full review!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Nails Inc The Donmar Collection

Are you ready to see one amazing flakie polish? Well, you better prepare yourself!
But of course I will show you the more boring color first and then you will see one amazing polish! But even before that, let's get to a boring review~

Illamasqua 'Poke' Nail Varnish

Hello darlings~ Sorry if I have neglected replying to comments/commenting on other blogs, but I have been terribly busy. I at least have tried to keep up with posting regularly. I have a millions things to post and not enough time unfortunately. I will do some requested posts, starting with this one which is a swatch and review of Illamasqua's Poke nail polish, which I got in my recent F&F Haul.

Poke is a bright purple with a blueish tone and loads of multi-colored shimmer. I don't have a dupe for this but it is somewhat similar to colors like Rescue Beauty Lounge 'Scrangie." the major difference being that 'Poke' is much more of a bright purple and it is more opaque. I might do a comparison between them at some later time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Haul + First Impression: Sephora F&F Sale

Another haul? Yes, another haul!
I should really be ashamed of myself! I made a second order from Sephora on the last day of the Friends & Family Sale. It was so tempting, and I was too weak to resist. Here is what I purchased~

1. Illamasqua Cream Pigment in 'Hollow' ($24)
I have been wanting to try more of these cream pigments from Illamasqua. Sephora doesn't carry all the shades though, and this was the one that I wanted to try the most from the ones that Sephora carries. I wanted it so I could use it for contouring. It is a really great contouring shade for fair skinned girls like myself. This is a very cool-toned brown, so it has no orange in it. I have tried it once, and I really liked it. I advice using a light hand, since this is very pigmented. If you don't want to dish out the money for this, you could try NYX  Taupe Blush, which is essentially the same as this, but it is a powder instead of a cream.

2. Illamasqua Nail Varnish in Poke ($14)
This has been on top of my list for nail polishes to buy ever since I saw it on Temptalia. Christine had a great review for this polish, and I was awestruck by the beautiful color. I thought it was the right time to buy it now, since it was 20% off. I haven't used this yet, but I will have a separate swatch and review once I used it at least twice.

3. Nails Inc. The Donmar Collection Set ($20)
These are first nails inc polishes :D I could't resist the beautiful flaky overglaze polish <3 The other color included is a really dark, vampy plum color. They both seem nice. Again, I will do a separate swatch and review post for this as soon as I can.
There was two other sets, one of which I really wanted as well. But I will save that for some other time.

4. Jack Black Balm Squad Lip Quad ($25, LE)

I recently finished my first tube of Jack Black balm, and I loved it! This pack comes with 4 tubes for $25 (each retails for $7.50). You save $5 on the set, as opposed to buying them separately. Plus the 20% off was an added bonus. It is getting cold, and my lips tend to get really dry during winter. I love having a balm in my desk, in my bag, in my backpack, and pretty much everywhere. Having 4 balms is just convenient for me, and I won't have to buy any more for a while.

And the best for last...

5.NARS Danmari Palette ($65, LE)
I am sure you have all seen this already! It is honestly such a great deal! I don't own any NARS blushes, but I have wanted Sin, Orgasm and Desire for a long time. The other three colors are great too. The only color that I am wary of it the Casino bronzer. I think it might look weird on me, but I have to experiment with it to see if I can make it work on my skin.  All the other colors are fabulous! The packing is sleek and beautiful. If I purchased Sin, Orgasm, and Desire separately, it would be $27 for each, adding up to $81. The palette is $65. Yes, the palette does not contain full size blushes, but they are about 2/3 of the full size. It is honestly a way better deal. If you already own some of the colors in the palette, then it is up to you to decided whether this palette is worth getting. I wish they had not included Casino and Super Orgasm. I would have loved to see Mata Hari, Taj Majal, or Exhibit A in the palette. But oh well.

 These were so pigmented when I applied them on my cheeks, but they didn't want to show up well on my arm when I swatched them...

First picture is the top row from left to right, and the second picture is the bottom row from left to right.

I hope you guys enjoyed! If you have any questions regarding these products, please do leave a comment or send me an email ^_^