Saturday, July 22, 2017

What I've Been Up To

Hey everyone!

Before I get into posting some makeup related posts, I thought I would just talk about what I have been up to during the time I've been gone ^_^ Nothing too exciting, but there has been quite a few changes over the months/years.

1. I've gotten more into cosplaying and photography!
I cosplay pretty regularly and create more costumes than I used to! I also have been fond of doing more photoshoots of my costumes. The costume below is Tharja from the game Fire Emblem: Awakening~ I made the entire costume myself  ๐Ÿ’œ

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Hello! After all this time...

Hi to anyone that might still be around! 
It's Nancy! Back from the dead, haha.

I'm sure the blogging world has changed much since I was last here but, but I was feeling the urge to create some new things lately! So you will be seeing some new content! ^_^  I've been quite busy being a cosplayer and mostly posting on my Instagram (@DarthNancy), so that is what I have mostly been doing with my time. For now, have my latest costume: genderbent 10th Doctor from Doctor Who~ It feels great to be back!

Bye for now, but much more to come~

Monday, October 5, 2015

Cosplay Makeup Tutorial: Candy Cane Miss Fortune/ Poison Ivy

Hi hi, everyone!

I posted a makeup tutorial on my other blog for this look! If you guys want to see the tutorial, check out the tutorial on my other blog ^_^

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Cosplay Makeup Tutorial: Hyuuga Hinata (Naruto)

Greetings from the Dark Side!
*I posted this tutorial on my cosplay blog, but since it is makeup-related, I will post it here too!

Today I will be sharing with you guys a simple makeup tutorial for the makeup I wear with my Hinata cosplay. I have received tons of requests to do this in the past, so I am excited to finally share this! The makeup I wear could be way more complicated (I could wear lashes on my lower lash line or contour a lot), but I find that this makeup has worked the best for me. The white mesh lenses I wear are a little creepy, but I like how they make my cosplay look! Wearing lenses is totally up to you; don't feel like absolutely have to wear any. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the tutorial!

                                                                                                             Products Used                                                                                                
- ELF Undereye Setting Powder
- Lime Crime 'Lotus Noir ' eyeshadow (black eyeshadow)
- Wet n Wild 'Vanity' Palette (shimmery champagne and matte brown)
- Jesse's Girl liquid liner
L'oreal Voluminous Mascara
- Ardel Lashes #105
- White Mesh lenses from Honey Color

Face & Lips 
- Wet n Wild CoverAll Foundation
- The Body Shop Honey Bronzer
- MAC 'Pink Swoon' Blush
- Revlon 'Berry Allure' lip gloss


1. Start out by using a primer or concealer all over your lids. I used the Maybelline Age Rewind Concealer to conceal any discoloration around my eyes and to act as a base for the rest of the makeup I will be using.

2. Use an eyeshadow or setting powder to set the concealer. I used the ELF Undereye Setting Powder.

3. Eyeliner is going to be your best friend with most anime makeup, so take a liquid eyeliner and line your lash line. You can make this as dramatic as you'd like. I went quite subtle with my eyeliner this time around! I used the Jesse's Girl liquid eyeliner.

4. Apply a generous coat of mascara. I used the L'oreal Voluminous mascara.

5. Apply false lashes. I used my favorite lashes, the Ardel #105 lashes.

6. Apply a bit of black eyeshadow on the end portion of the lower lash line (you can also go over that part with a bit of liquid liner).

7. Apply a shimmery champagne eyeshadow on the inner half of the lower lash line. This will brighten up and enlarge the eyes.

8. With a neutral light brown, contour the eye socket to add dimension to the eyes.'

9. Fill in your eyebrows with a blue eyeshadow. You can also cover the eyebrows and then draw them in (I  personally don't like doing that).

10. If you are using contacts, now is the time to put them in! I usually put contacts in first, but I cannot see with them so I have to put them in last. They do sometimes make my eyes really watery and it can ruin my makeup a bit (like it did in this case!).

Thank you all for joining me and I hope this simple tutorial is helpful to someone out there ^_~

Star Wars Font

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mercenary Katarina (LoL) Cosplay Part 6: Clothes, Belt, Shoes, and Wig

Greetings from the Dark Side!

If you are new to my Mercenary Katarina Cosplay series check out the other posts first:

Hi everyone! Today, I am going to show you the clothing, shoes, belts, and wig I have for my Mercenary Katarina cosplay! So let's get right to it :D

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Update: Long time no see!

Well hello everyone!

It has been quite a long time, hasn't it? I have been out of the blogging sphere for quite sometime now, and I wanted to at least pop up and say hi! So hi xD

I haven't blogged in forever just because I have had a real lack of motivation and creativity. And honestly I have not been into makeup for a while now. I have been much more interested in cosplaying! I often post pictures about my cosplays on Instagram so you should check it out (@DarthNancy). I think I'll be posting on my blog more often about cosplaying and makeup for cosplays! I'll try my best to post more from now on!

For now, I will leave you with a picture from my latest makeup test for my Hyuuga  Hinata cosplay :)

So, how have you all been? really hope you have all been doing well! Let me know what kind of posts you would like to see in the comments!