Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Skin Care DIY: Honey and Cinnamon Mask

Greetings from the Dark Side ♥

It is rather unusual for me to post a DIY, and a skin care one at that! I can ramble on and on about my crappy skin, but I'm sure you have heard all about it. To keep it simple, acne-prone skin, crazy hormones, and dry skin don't mix well and are a recipe for disaster. But, I will share one simple recipe that is amazing for your skin, and good chances are that you have the ingredients right in your kitchen. Yes, honey and cinnamon! These two ingredients combine to create a very potent and amazing mask that will leave your skin glowing!

When Did I Start Using It
I've been using this mask on and off for half a year almost. My mom was the one who told me about it and I tried it very hesitantly. I ended up loving it (Thanks mom!)! After using it, my skin looks significantly better in terms of tone and texture. My face looks brighter and less red, while it also look smoother. Any acne I have looks less irritated, less red, and more healed. It is hard to say how much this has helped my skin because I have not used it very consistently. I have only used it when I am having a really bad breakout. But, I think if you incorporated this into your skin care routine (maybe once a week or something like that), then it might make a big difference. I really need to try to use this weekly and see how it works.

UPDATE 10/22/14: I started using this more regularly to see how it works for my skin. When I use this when I am having freakishly bad breakouts, it really helps to heal blemishes quicker. I use it in combination with my regular skin care routine, and it just gives my skin an extra boost of acne-fighting power. One my skin clears up and is back to normal, I use this to hydrate my skin and to help with any acne that might come up.

What's This Mask For?
I personally use this to help heal blemishes, prevent blemishes from getting bigger, to moisturize, and to add a glow to the skin. This mask really softens the skin while helping to heal any open sores or blemishes. 

How Does It Work?
I can sit here and pretend to know the science behind the combination of honey and cinnamon, but I really don't want to waste your time. From my basic knowledge of these two ingredients, I know that honey has amazing anti-bacterial properties. Cinnamon is similar in that it has anti-microbial properties. Because of this, they are both very great at combating acne. And for some reason, they work way better together than they do alone. I've tried just using honey alone, and it does not work as well as honey+cinnamon combination. 

If you have never used honey or cinnamon on your skin before, you should do a patch test to make sure you don't get a reaction to either of the ingredients. after a patch test, you might still want to try the mask with honey alone, and if that is okay then you can try the mask with both honey and cinnamon. 

How To Make The Honey And Cinnamon Mask
There are so many different types of honey and cinnamon, and to be honest what you use will affect how this mask performs. I have used various types of honey and some are very effective while others are not. My favorite honey is raw (unprocessed), organic orange blossom honey from my local health foods store. I also purchase ground cinnamon from the same store. I would advice you to try different ones and see which one works best for you.

All you need to do is:
-Get 1 tbsp of honey
-Get 1/4 tbsp of ground cinnamon 
-Mix the two together in a small container. You can make extra and save it in the fridge for later use.

The result should look something kind of gross like the picture below. Depending on what type of honey and cinnamon you use, it might look darker than this, almost like chocolate syrup. The cinnamon I use is very red so my mixture tends to look really funky!

Applying The Mask
Once your mixture is ready, apply it on your clean skin with your fingers. It will be sticky and not very pleasant at first, but just try to bear with it. I tend to keep the mask on for 30 minutes, sometimes more than that if I can manage it.

 *Obligatory scary pictures of me with the mask on ^_^ Enjoy~

This mask if definitely an amazing and simple mask that I have taken for granted. I forget about it, but I always come back to it when my skin is freaking out. If you have acne, acne scars, or dry skin (or all three like me!) then you might want to try this!

Thanks for reading! ♥

Has anyone else used this mask before?


  1. Your mask looks very tasty! those two ingredients are gold together! :D

    1. Tried this today, worked great! One down side ( well is good and bad) you can feel the mask working its magic and can be a little itchy. I've done overnight masks befor wand I love when I can feel it but the sticky mixture takes some getting used to!

      Left me skin radiant and soft, adding this toy weekly reg.

  2. Cinnamon is supposed to be good for inflammation so maybe that will be one I'll try (my skin usually doesn't get inflamed but winter has been adding irritation to it). ^_^

  3. What a lovely mask! I love do it yourself masks so I will definitely check this out. If you like the effectiveness of the honey, you should check out a honey and pomegranate mask or even a honey and yogurt mask (plain yogurt!) I really have been enjoying the honey and pomegranate as a brightening mask :)

  4. I've never tried home-made masks before, mainly because the ingredients are not so easily purchased and are very expensive even if they are available. >__< Glad to know that a simple recipe like this works as well as drugstore facial items! :) Honey and cinnamon sounds tasty though, haha!

    1. There are a lot of simple, affordable, AND BEST OF ALL, natural diy fix-its. From this mask, to hair mask, and even to getting rid of ants, fleas, etc. I love the honey and cinnamon mask! I have been using pure honey as a fave wash every night and the mask once a week for a month now. It has done wonders for my breakouts, inflammation, and acne scars. This is the clearest my skin has been since high school ( I'm 30). I have tried EVERYTHING and this has been the most effective by far!

  5. Im gonna try it today if it is possible just need the cinnamon, I really need it those last days I am getting acne, even I bought some ingredients to make my own face wash. so yes I will use it and let you know for sure

    1. For acne, you might want to wear it for longer than 30 min, and try to use it more than once a week. If I get a really bad breakout, I might use this everyday until my breakout subsides. Just be wary of how this works for your skin. Just because it works for me, doesn't mean it will work the same for you.

  6. This looks awesome! I have acne too, so I'm sure this would probably work wonders for my skin! Thanks for the post Nancy!:)

  7. I used it today , my skin feels soft and glowing , about the acne results i cant say nothing now.

  8. Very interesting. I'm gonna have to give it a try since it's such a simple recipe with awesome benefits.

    1. Yes, try it and let me know what you think :)

  9. This worked beautifully for my skin. I have a tan complextion and I was having problems with un even tone and nothing was working until this. Thanks !

  10. I just tried it, my skin is nice and smooth! Some parts of my face are a little red, but I'm guessing that's either because it was my first time or because I don't have organic honey. Definitely going to do this again though.

  11. I love this mask, I add some lemon juice to it as well!

  12. I just looked this up after hearing this from someone. I never heard of a honey and cinnamon mask, but the woman who removes my facial hair said that I should use honey to remove growing hairs/ baby hair as the follicle is weaker when growing. Guess I'll just add cinnamon and reap more benefits! :)

  13. Not a very nice look with this mask :)

  14. I'm doing it right now!!! Scaryyy I look weird ahaha

  15. what are the side affects

    1. Mmmm, well unless you are allergic to honey or cinnamon, I don't think there really is any side affects. Your skin might get a bit itchy or red if you have sensitive skin, or if your skin does not agree with the ingredients you might breakout.

    2. i just put it on about 15 minutes ago. How long does it take to see improvement? does it get rid of red bumps and acne scars on your face.

    3. I also got an allergic reaction face is all red and swollen. I noticed you posted your comment six months ago. Were you able to find something to get rid of redness? Thxs!

  16. Its been more than a month now using this mask during bed time and there is purely no improvement at all. However, i intend to continue using it untill something happens.

    Very frustrated, my face looks terrible

  17. Its been more than a month now using this mask during bed time and there is purely no improvement at all. However, i intend to continue using it untill something happens.

    Very frustrated, my face looks terrible

  18. Trying the mask tonight add well as a hair mask hopefully they both work :)

  19. Its my first time to hear about it, but for sure will try it. Thanks for sharing.

  20. This mask is amazing it actually Works

  21. I've never use honey and cinnamon before..but i think this is a good combination to fight acne prone since cinnamon is rich in antioxidants which can provide protection to the skin.

  22. Yes, honey and cinnamon! These two ingredients combine to create a very potent and amazing mask that will leave your skin glowing!

  23. I've tried it! Its good for getting rid of acne and its pretty good on apple slices and celery

  24. how long does it take to clear your face?

    1. I think that will depend on many factors. For me, this is more of a temporary solution to dry skin and acne. For me, it help to soften and get rid of any existing acne in 1-2 applications. However, you should remember that you need to have good skin care and a good diet to help the acne from forming in the first place!

  25. Trying this mask now.. Thanks for the tip. Also I have use a Honey and Milk mask and it works great with ezema type skin.

  26. I use this DIY all the time!
    Check out my version maybe?

  27. Nancy all looks good, thank you for sharing such helpful reviews.

  28. I just tried my first cinnamon and honey mask! It was a little itchy and my skin is a little red, but I hear that's normal? Thanks! :)

    1. It is normal. Sometimes when I do this it also gets a little itchy. As long as you don't develop any rashes, you should be good :)

  29. The best advice for skin care products, is to use ones that have active ingredients that have been proven to actually work. face skin problems

  30. Trying right now. Hopefully works. First times using it. It itches more on the acne affected area. Have to get used to. Hopefully don't develop anything.

  31. I tried this torso. Question, I have alot left over, do you refrigerate the rest, or leave out Ron temperature?

    1. I usually make only the amount that I will be using, but if I have left over I refrigerate it. I don't think it would go bad at room temp. but just to make sure I would put it in the refrigerator :D

  32. very nice thank you so much

  33. How fast does the mask start to show results? One week, two, three, a month?..

    1. It definitely depends on how often you use it, how long you leave it on, and also your skin. I mostly use this now to help heal any existing acne. It really helps to heal them up quicker. Sometimes you can see a clear difference right away or the next day. If you use it everyday and have not noticed any benefits from using it, it might not be for you.

  34. I totally agree! honey and cinnamon for my homemade facial mask and they're all wonderful. Thanks for sharing! :)

  35. How often should you apply it for best results? Thanks!

  36. I tried honey and cinnamon three times but developed eczema on my face. What should I do?

    1. Stop using it if you feel that it is creating more problems.

  37. The cinnamon has made my face red,tingling, tight and irritated. what can I do to stop this?

    1. You might be too sensitive to the cinnamon. Try it without the cinnamon or try this with only a dash of cinnamon. I find that if I use too much cinnamon it also makes my skin red and irritated.

  38. Great tips and very easy to understand. This will definitely be very useful for me when I get a chance to start my blog. Jen

  39. Hi Nancy, thanks for sharing! You said you incorporate this into your regular skin care routine, does that mean you use it daily? Thanks :)

  40. I have it on right now and its itching really bad I ant to scratch like omg! Nd btw it does feel good..buh omg plz tell me is it supposed to be itching?can I scratch it?plz say yes😭😭

  41. You can also turn it into a spot treatment by adding more cinnamon since cinnamon helps with the redness and size

  42. Natural healthy skin items contain common fixings that feed and revive the skin. Two vital regular fixings found in natural healthy skin items are Vitamin E and C which are rich in cancer prevention agents.

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  44. It is a skin disorder that leads to the skin inflammation or rashes on the skin. The main causes of eczema include the reactions to the allergies, over exposure to the environmental agents or genetic conditions. Being a very common symptom, eczema causes swelling or dry skin or red rashes on face. Dry Skin

  45. How do you wash your mask off?With cold or warm water alone or with a bathing soap along? I washed with luke warm water but its still very itchy. Just wondering is that a sign of the acne cure process or i will soon rupture and look like a thorn melon :-( (God forbid)!

  46. I have pimple marks Nd pimples and pores. If i apply this how long will it take time get a clear skin?

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  50. Feels amazing I'm trying it right now :)


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