Monday, February 20, 2012

Day to NightTutorial: Dark Greed

Hello Dear Reader!

As promised here is an eye look using the Wet n Wild 'Greed' Palette. I will have a second look in a couple of days, but for the time being, I hope you will like this look. I will also show you how to transform the look into a sultry night time look with one simple step. ;)

Day Time Look
 (you can always make it a little less dark and skip out on the lashes to make it more day appropriate)

Night Time Look

Products Used
-ELF Eyelid Primer
-Wet n Wild 'Greed' Palette
-Dolly Wink Black Pencil Liner
-Artistry Mascara
-KKCenterhk ESA500 Lashes
-Dolly Wink Liquid Liner
As reference, here are the colors I used in order by number

Day Look Tutorial

1. Apply your eyeshadow primer and apply #1 from the WnW palette, the matte skin color shadow, from the root of your lashes to the brow bone.

2. Next, use a fluffy brush and apply shadow #2 from the WnW palette, the matte peach, on the crease (or wherever you want to create your crease).

3. Use a pencil liner or a matte black shadow (I am using my Dolly Wink pencil) and apply it as close to the upper lash line as you can. Then use a brush to smudge it along the lash line. You can also wing out the liner like I did, if you wish. If you wish to keep this as a very simple look, you can add mascara and stop here. If not, keep on going ^_^

4.Now you will focus on the lower lash line. Apply #3 from the WnW on the outer half of the lower lash line and #4 on the inner half. I also then overlapped the shimmery peach slightly over the black to brighten up the look. At this point, I also have applied mascara.

5. Lastly, if you wish to make the look a little more dramatic, add some false lashes. If you are adding falsies, I would also recommend to makes a think line with a liquid liner over the lash lien to hide the band of the false lashes.

Night Look Tutorial

6. The only thing I did here was to smudge more of the black eyeliner on the lash line. Then I took color #3 from the WnW palette and applied in on the crease. I applied if from the wing of my liner all the way inwards.

The Wet n Wild Greed Palette is super inexpensive, and they are now discontinued I believe. So grab one of these while you still can! The palette has amazing colors to create a variety of looks! Hope you liked these two :)


  1. great tut dear! your eye looks amazing no matter what eyeshadows you have on haha! :D

    1. Aw thank you! Maybe it is my eye color and shape that allows me to wear many different colors?

  2. Nice step by step tutorial, Nancy! Have you ever considered doing a youtube tutorial? You are excellent in doing EOTDs so I was hoping you could do a video tutorial soon. :) Hugs♥

    1. Thank you~ I have actually, but it was so difficult. I don't have a tripod and I don't have a proper set up or lighting for good visuals. For now, I am sticking to pictures. I might do video tutorials in the future though :)

  3. you do the best looks! i adore this one, so well done and sexy. love it

  4. Ooh, I love me a good cut crease look <3

  5. Love this palette! And I love all the looks you've done with it. It's very versatile and you've got skills like a MUA!!

  6. really love the first pic. love the colours! x

  7. I love love love the night time look! Amazing!

  8. omg nancy, I think your natural lashes look better than the falsies and since I never typically think that about falsies vs. natural lashes, it is a huuuuuge compliment to you my dear. you don't need 'em, cuz maybe baby, you're born with it!!! <3

    1. You are such a sweetheart!
      I don't feel that I need falsies, I mostly just wear them so that the photos look better ^_^
      Bu thank you so much for such a flattering comment! It def. makes me feel better about not wearing falsies as much as other people.

  9. I just got this palette bc they're 75% off at my Rite Aid! I'll have to try this look =)

    1. Wah! That is such a great deal~ Definitely try out the look! It is incredibly easy and you can play around with it and change it up to suit your liking. ^_^

  10. I love both looks! So pretty. #2 & #4 are such a nice shades, it compliments your skintone really well even though it's subtle!

  11. THIS IS GORGEOUS. i didndt buy the vanity palette because i thought i wouldnt need it since i have so many palettes. but now i want it and i cant find it anywhere lol!. anyway i love this dramatic look. really pretty!

  12. It's super pretty =) I'm gonna try out one day !

    xxx Vee

  13. Gorgeous! My fav look, you got beautiful eyes and awesome brows!


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