Sunday, March 30, 2014

Roundup and Giveaway Winner: March Series Challenge

Greetings from the Dark Side!

Thank you for all the feedback/comments that I receive for these looks, and a huge thank you to all of those who participated in the March Challenge! It was about time I started to do some Star Wars inspired looks and I had so much fun with the three looks from this week! Anyway, let's get right into the monthly recap and announcing the winner of the challenge!

                                                                      Week 1: Boba Fett                                                                    

Lauren's Boba Fett Look

                                                                     Week 2: Darth Vader                                                                

                                                                      Week 3: Stormtrooper                                                              

Stormtrooper Inspired Makeup

                                                                          Giveaway Winner                                                                
Everyone did a wonderful job and I wish I could give everyone a prize for entering! However, seeing as Katie turned in all three looks for this month, she will be awarded the $20-30 gift certificate of the store of her choice! Congratulations! Join me again next month for another Series Challenge!

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